Power Augmentation, a solution to Yangon’s pressing power requirements

Planned transmission lines in Myanmar - CopyA few excerpts from the article; Power requirements prompt rushing Yangon’s gas-fired plant Projects from ElevenMyanmar states, “Gas-fired power plant projects in the Yangon region are rushing to complete by the end of this year as the city requires more energy, according to an official from the Ministry of Electrical Power. There are about 1500 villages in Yangon suffering from daily power shortages,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

The article continues; Two power generators with a capacity of 120 MW each, were donated by Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, and have arrived in Ywama Township where a gas-fired power plant will be constructed before end of this year. Three local power plant projects, which will complete this year’s end, will generate 50 megawatts (MW) each, and additional projects in Hlawgar, Ywama, and Tharkayta townships of Yangon.

Energy Storage Power Corporation’s (ESPC) offers a quickly implementable solution to Yangon’s pressing power requirements for gas-fired plants. New installed capacity takes time but there is a faster way to add to Yangon’s gas-fired power station output. “Power Augmentation” which can add Megawatts without having to install any new capacity.

What is Power Augmentation and How does it work?

Energy Storage Power Corporation’s (ESPC’s) Power Augmentation add-on system for gas-fired turbines is an ideal solution to refurbish older power plants. Simple repairs and augmentation on electrical generation equipment would be one of the least expensive and fastest way to increase MW capacity in Yangon.

Optimization of existing installed capacity to maximize power generation through Rehabilitation and Modernization (R&M) can be an attractive, low-cost option to boost grid MW output.  In this case, boosted power output would ease a percentage of Myanmar’s electrical shortages in less than 18 months using Power Augmentation.

Power Augmentation technology, (HAI) for Humid Air Injection and (DAI) for Dry Air Injection is an add-on system that has a primary benefit of increasing the power of combustion turbine/combined cycle (CT/CC) power plants by 15-30% at a fraction of new plant cost and NOx emissions reductions. [1]

Experts estimate older equipment and infrastructure currently result in about 40% of generated power not reaching its ultimate destination due to both technical and non-technical losses.

In 2010, electricity production in Myanmar was approximately 7.5 Billion kWh. Of that, approximately 30% of all generation was natural gas. If you were to increase power output of every existing natural gas turbine in Myanmar by even 10%, an additional 225 million kWh becomes available to the grid without installing any new production capacity, only an add-on system.

Low per capita electricity consumption is due to the low degree of electrification and industrial development. Myanmar’s average degree of electrification (defined as the number of electrified households connected to the grid over the total number of households) increased from about 16% in 2006 to 26% in 2011. Yangon City has the highest electrification ratio (67%), followed by Nay Pyi Taw. [2]

Peak load in Myanmar does not vary greatly from month to month during the year, although there was a gradual increase from January to August 2011, from 1,380 MW to 1,530 MW. The system suffers from load shedding corresponding to about 1% in terms of energy, but at times exceeding 250 MW or about 15% of peak load. In terms of megawatt-hours (MWh), experienced from January to August 2011 load shedding appears to be heaviest during the morning peak. 

Electricity consumption almost doubled between 2001 and 2011, from 3,268 GWh to 6,312 GWh. With a population of approximately 60 million, Myanmar’s per capita electricity consumption was about 105 kWh per year. During the 10-year period, electricity consumption increased by 7% annually. [3]


[1.] “Air Injection Power Augmentation Technology Provides Additional Significant Operational Benefits”, Proceedings of GT2007 ASME Turbo Expo 2007. May 2007. Montreal, Canada. 

[2.] “Myanmar Energy Sector Initial Assessment: Context and Strategic issues”, by Asian Development Bank, October 2012, p. 39-44. All graphs and Images posted above were found in the Myanmar Energy Sector Initial Assessment PDF provided by ADB.

[3.] Ministry of Electric Power

Original link to base story of Yangon power requirements  ElevenMyanmar