Anomalies are starting to surface as well, as governments across the planet become more aware of the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum intensification.
Drip Feeds Of Continuing Grand Solar Minimum
Media Begins to Explain Earth’s Changing Atmosphere
Science media now showing changes in Earths atmosphere are connected and cyclical, especially that more and more reports out are focused on extreme floods. This is the drip feed to tell you that the intensification of the Grand Solar Minimum will continue. Rare tornadoes in three parts of the world in the same week, five foot hail in Mexico, massive floods in Mali desert west Africa and flood maps being changes in cities across the planet to look at the once in a 500 year flood for insurers.
Hottest Temperatures on the Planet but Forget the Record & Snow Cold Please
Global media running with the headlines of "hottest global temperature" , today in this place even though it's not a heat record, then repeats with "hottest global temperature" in that place the next day not a record, all the while forgetting record cold and snow in 13 places in the US and Canada. A look at the 156 year global temperature record, flat line. Scary.
#grandsolarminimum #kuwait #summersnow19 #globaltemperatures #india
June Snow Grand Canyon
Do you still remember when Al Gore told us that snow would be a thing of the past, and our children would never know what snow was again? I sure do. When I was growing up, I was told about Global Warming. It was never called Climate Change when I was introduced to it 30 years ago. Then here we are, June 4th, can you believe that Grand Canyon started snowing on May 20th, and progressed all the way through June 6th?
France Bombogenesis & Lost Crops Ontario
We were told by Al Gore that snow would be a thing of the past and our children would never know what snow is, well there was snow from May 30-June 06 in the Grand Canyon. A peak at Ontario crop losses and delayed planting and a bombogenesis slams the french corn growing region. #grandsolarminimum #corn #bombcyclonefrance #noplant19
5G Disrupts Weather Forecasts, Europe Record Snow
Planetary Chills in Both Hemispheres
20-30 F below normal temperatures invade both hemispheres signaling an early start for the Southern Hemisphere and very late spring for the Northern Hemisphere. These abnormal temps are pelting the Middle East with rain, floods, hail and new abundant rainfall weather patterns not seen in millennia. US potato crop delayed in NW grow zone with more snow on the way, compressing the planting season into three weeks what they usually do in 2.5 months.
Climate Events Across the Planet
More unusual heavy and out of season rains during dry Middle East locations into grassy flower lands, this time Mt Tabor in Israel. Lebanon hail and snow stranding motorists and destroying crops. Algeria record grain harvests and unusual ways people are protecting their cars from huge hail, floating swimming pool mattresses.
Hailstorm Kills 13 in African Storm as 6000 Year Pattern Unfolds
Massive hail storm kills 13 people in Uganda, as the area is deluged after a significant drought where flash floods ran off concrete hard ground. Monsoon flows are far off or non existent, which shows a more powerful cycle of 6000 year duration.
Join Me at Alternative View 10 on the livestream May 10th – May 13th, 2019
KFC China Using Strange Meat & Hottest Easter Ever UK Scandal
KFC decides to introduce cuts of chicken never used before to raise the bottom line as food costs rise 12% blamed on African Swine Flu, but this is chicken not pork. UK Met office calls Easter hottest ever to prove global warming but misses that 2011 and 1893 were warmer than the supposed record temperatures.
Upcoming Food Shortages Blamed on Farmers & Fishermen
Record Heat Record & Snow in the Eye of the Earth
Unusual hook in the atmosphere over the USA, Europe and the Atlantic, so strange the jet streams have created an eye formation over a part of our planet. Ice still left on Lake Erie with late season ice in 2019. Marquette Michigan sets record for longest streak of days under 60F, at 199 days, and Western Australia breaks all time cold record days in April.
China Farmland Devastating Floods & USA Farm Floods Inbound
The same type of all encompassing flooding that has given birth to the lowest crop production ever recorded in the USA has just happened in China. USA floods copy paste, but in China's southern food grow belt. Five more inches of rain on tap for the US and summer snow in Colorado. NEW ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution e-book is now available through #chinacrops #grandsolarminimum #chinafloods #cornprice
Soaklahoma, Kangaroos Freeze in Australia & US Corn Assessment
Fist crop assessment coming June 09, survey experts will give emergence report and health of US crop even though they will only use the 45% that has emerged as the picture for all of US corn. Australia record snow and kangaroos are in distress because of cold as Al Gore visits to train Australians on Climate Change. Massive bomb cyclone hits France, emerging crops will be hit with 100mph winds. So much above normal rain 274% the state of Oklahoma is now named Soaklahoma.
Spiking Corn Prices and Tornadoes Follow Low Solar Activity
Major headlines scream of the tornado outbreak across the USA being solely caused by CO2 climate changes, but if we look back to 2003, there were more severe outbreaks as well as the 1970's. Corn prices about to spike through the roof as last plant by dates will be misses or farmers will plant in standing water fields to qualify for federal crop insurance. Here we go , up and up on food prices. #grandsolarminimum #noplant19 #cornprices #tornadoes
North Korea Food Shortage: Is It a Grand Solar Minimum Pattern?
Record River Floods: USA Grain Prices Spike as Reality Sets In
All time record floods along the Arkansas River and Mississippi, these records extend back 150 years. Farmers WILL not get the crops in the ground, so they will need to WET PLANT to be able to claim US govt crop insurance. USDA raised non plantable acres from 4 million to 13 million which sent a tidal wave through the futures markets, over 50% of traders reversed their short positions to long, expect huge price shifts in commodities moving forward. NEW ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution e-book is now available through
Sea Levels Decline: It’s a Climate Emergency, Buy More Stuff
AOC says we have 12 years to save Earth and only 100 companies spew out 70% of all CO2 but the message is Buy More Stuff as NASA confirms sea levels are declining. Arctic sea ice follows the Atlantic water temperatures on its 60 year cycle and a look at Alternative View 10 when I presented in the UK but that is now sensitive material on Twitter.
Oroville Dam: Will it Overtop Again
How Much Food Prices Will Rise After Midwest USA Floods
The biggest floods to hit the USA Midwest crop growing belts since 1993 and 1927, this appears to be the largest event event ever recorded in that area of North America in the last 150 years. Since the trade war with China, more 6.7 billion bushels in storage of the 17 billion bushels total has been lost due to flooding and contamination. Going by 1993 price rises after the flood a jump of 30% at the minimum is forecast. Global grain production down 7% over the last two years and poor conditions in the fields will make refilling the silos difficult at best.