Yangon Travel Information Magazine

Yangon Travel Information Magazine June 2015In an effort to keep up with the latest business and travel news coming out of Yangon in print form, I will begin to scan and upload publications that I pick up during my travels to Myanmar.

I found Yangon Travel Information Magazine as one of the best sources for dining, travel and events information in Yangon.

I picked up my copy in Monsoon Restaurant.

Yangon Travel Information Magazine June 2015

Myanmar Japon Magazine, Business & Lifestyle

JaponMagazine Myanmar Front CoverMyanmar business indepth interview with Daw Win Win Tint, managing director of City Mart Supermarket chain, Myanmar's largest retailer.

Also a travel advice section on the Pyu people and ancient sites of Hanlin, Beikthano, Thaye Khittaya.

Yangon Maps and useful telephone numbers while traveling in Myanmar. 

Myanmar Japon Magazine, Business & Lifestyle 

Insurance Regulation in Myanmar 10 Things to Know

Fruit Vendor Yangon Myanmar 2014 Image David DuByne1. No – capital requirements are based on a solvency margin. A separate fund for each class of general business and for life assurance must be established.

2. The insurance laws are silent as to portfolio transfers.

3. The Insurance Business Supervisory Board, which reports to the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, is responsible for licensing insurers, underwriting agents and insurance brokers. 

Insurance Regulation in Myanmar 10 Things to Know 

Thabeikkyin Myanmar 6.8 Earthquake Summary

Thabeikkyin Myanmar 6.8 Earthquake SummaryWith the recent makor earthquakes in Nepal, I decided to post on the Myanmar 6.8 earthquake summary findings of what happened on 11 November 2012, epicenter at 95.883°N, 23.014°E.

The greatest finding was that brick and stone residential houses collapsed those built with timbers and bamboos were not heavily damaged.

The report is full of images you not seen on the news, only NGO sources in the affected areas.

Thabeikkyin Myanmar 6.8 Earthquake Summary


2015 Myanmar Tourism Sector Assessment

Pyin Oo Lwin Myanmar Image 2014 David DuByneGiven the variety of unique tourism experiences Myanmar has to offer, it has the potential to contribute significantly to employment creation and economic growth.  However increased tourism will also have negative impacts, such as those identified in this impact assessment.

Covering the aggregate impacts of the sector and the “bigger picture” of interaction between tourism, Myanmar society and countrywide travel destinations. 

2015 Myanmar Tourism Sector Assessment (MCRB)

Myanmar Real Estate 8 Hot Topics in Country

09th Street Residential Building Yangon _Myanmar Image David DuByne 2014A visual overview of real estate across Myanmar including:

Yangon Region, Residential Market, Condominium Market,

Future Supply, Commercial Real Estate, Offices, Retail, Hospitality Hotels & Serviced Apartments, Investing in Properties, Tax Privileges, 

Foreign Investment Reform.

 Myanmar Real Estate 8 Hot Topics (Scipio) PDF

Myanmar’s Hydropower Development to Meet National Power Demand

Son La Hydropower plant MyanmarHydropower component in Myanmar’s Energy Sector

Myanmar has identified 92 potential large hydropower projects with a total installed capacity of 46,099 MW.

Among identified 92 hydropower projects, 22 sites have been completed. (Full List)

Myanmar’s Hydropower Development to Meet National  Power Demand

New 2015 Myanmar Corporate Tax Law Unveiled

Yangon Myanmar  Advertising Billboard 2014 Image David DuByneNew 2015 Myanmar Corporate Tax Law includes: New rates for cigarettes, alcohol, gems and electricity, IT and consulting +5% as Commercial Tax exemptions are scrapped, Income tax rate for branches, new rate 25%, Capital gains tax for non-residents slashed from 40% to 10%, Personal income tax for non-resident expats dropped to maximum 25%, Sale of buildings and construction Commercial Tax at 3%.  

New 2015 Myanmar Corporate Tax Law (VDBLoi) PDF

Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) list of elements in evaluating foreign loans

Central Bank of MyanmarThe Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) Letter introduced a list of elements that Myanmar banks need to review in evaluating foreign loans including: Size of loan/tenure/loan contract, Whether interest rate is market based, Whether business plan of the resident borrower is appropriate, Type of collateral and whether it is capable of being performed in accordance with the law, Whether the repayment schedule is appropriate.

2015 Myanmar Finance Report: Legal, Tax and Regulatory Developments on Banking and Finance (VDBLoi) PDF

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | Nova Scotia Agriculture Decimated, Insurers Reel From Cold Claims

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035  Nova Scotia Agriculture Decimated, Insurers Reel from Cold ClaimsMini Ice Age 2015-2035 | Nova Scotia Agriculture Decimated, Insurers Reel from Cold Claims:

Another video presentation in the editor’s personal series on climatic changes during the new Grand Solar Minimum which has already begun. What can our world expect going forward from 2015 to 2035, especially pertaining to agricultural production declines and food price rises. 

Three Years Oil and You (E-Book)

Three Years Oil and You E-Book David DuByne 2007Three Years Oil and You is a book I wrote in 2007 about the effects on our global economy, as easy to extract hydrocarbon reserves were exhausted and replaced by more costly tar sands projects and deep water driling production. Looking back at the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, I can say that the forecasts in this book were 90% correct regarding the outcome of higher food, energy and commodity prices. 

Three Years Oil and You (E-Book) by David DuByne

Myanmar Investment Guide 2014-2015

Advertising Billboards Mandalay 2014_ Image David DuByne MyanmarThe 2014 Myanmar Investment Guide is the most up to date through 2014. Areas covered are and overview of Myanmar Business Climate, Investment Opportunities, Foreign Investment Framework, Special Economic Zones, Company Incorporation, Taxes on Operations,  Labour Laws and Access to Local Financing Options. 

Myanmar Investment Guide 2014-2015

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | Delayed Crop Planting, Volcanic Cycles & -20F in Maine

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035  Delayed Crop Planting, Volcanic Cycles & -20F in MaineMini Ice Age 2015-2035 | Delayed Crop Planting, Volcanic Cycles & -20F in Maine:

Another video presentation in the editor’s personal series on climatic changes during the new Grand Solar Minimum which has already begun. What can our world expect going forward from 2015 to 2035, especially pertaining to agricultural production declines and food price rises. 


WILD HARVEST OF HIMALAYAN RIVER ALGAE FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION David DuByne 2011A Survey of Natural River Systems throughout Nepal's River Systems and Dry Season Riverbed Cultivation for Large Scale Production of Algal Oil for Transportation Fuels and Rural Development.

Wild harvested Himalayan river algae to produce algae biodiesel supplementing the national fuel delivery chain in Nepal.


Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | China’s Food Production Strategy for the New Grand Solar Minimum

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 China’s Food Production Strategy for the New Grand Solar MinimumMini Ice Age 2015-2035 China’s Food Production Strategy for the New Grand Solar Minimum:

Another video presentation in the editor's personal series on climatic changes during the new Grand Solar Minimum which has already begun. What can our world expect going forward from 2015 to 2035, especially pertaining to agricultural production declines and food price rises. 

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035| Nova Scotia Salmon Aquaculture Kill Off

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 Nova Scotia Salmon Aquaculture Kill Off

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035| Nova Scotia Salmon Aquaculture Kill Off:

Another video presentation in the editor's personal series on climatic changes during the new Grand Solar Minimum which has already begun. What can our world expect going forward from 2015 to 2035, especially pertaining to agricultural production declines and food price rises. 


Today Magazine Myanmar January 2014

Today Magazine Myanmar January 2013 CoverIn an effort to keep up with the latest business and travel news coming out of Yangon in print form, I have scanned and uploaded publications that I pick up during my travels to Myanmar.

I found Today Magazine to be a quality resource for social trends and information in countrywide. This publication is the one you want if you traveling or coming for business in Myanmar.

Today Magazine Myanmar January 2014 Part 1

Today Magazine Myanmar January 2014 Part 2

Myanmar Business Insider Magazine June 2014

Myanmar Business Insider Magazine Cover Jan 2014Myanmar Business Insider Magazine provides in-depth interveiew and perspectives for investment and the general business climate in Myanmar.

This issue covers: Myanmar Tax Legislation, Investing in Rubies, Yangon Day Trips, Moe Kyaw (Win Thin Associates CPA Myanmar) interview, Political Risk Assessment while investing in Myanmar, Oliver Buffet Nash (RONOC) interview, Investment opportunities in Myanmar Agriculture, Kalaw Party Bus, Myanmar Telecoms, Winners selected for onshore oil blocks.

Myanmar Business Insider Magazine June 2014

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | Saudia Arabia Freezes & Panic Grain Buying in Russia

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035  Saudia Arabia Freezes & Panic Grain Buying in Russia

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | Saudia Arabia Freezes & Panic Grain Buying in Russia: 

Another video presentation in the editor's personal series on climatic changes during the new Grand Solar Minimum which has already begun. What can our world expect going forward from 2015 to 2035, especially pertaining to agricultural production declines and food price rises.

Emerging Market and Developing Economies: Real GDP Myanmar

Pansodan Gallery 2013 Yangon MyanmarReal GDP of Myanmar to compare targets set in 2013 vs. 2015 realization. What was correct what was off target. Myanmar by the numbers. 

Economic aid: recipient: $127 million

GDP growth: 6.5% (2013 est.)

Main export partners: Thailand 40.5%

GDP per capita: $1,739.843 (PPP) (2013)

Emerging Market and Developing Economies: Myanmar