Grand Solar Minimum Climate Change Round Table Discussion Lesson

With the Oregon School Board stating it has no strategy for revising it's "Climate Justice" curriculum, and writes in Oregon School Board RESOLUTION No. 5272 that all discussions are welcome to form a Resolution to Develop an Implementation Plan for Climate Literacy. Hijacked by the global warming, anti-business, 15th century dogmatic book banning lobby, which includes heretical phrases such as "May, Might, Could" in the role of our Sun as driver for Earth's climate. I offer this Round Table Lesson on other causes for climate change on our planet for discussion in all Oregon School Classrooms. Topic includes what should happen to Earth's climate based on past climate records in cycles such as sunspots, oceanic cycles, and also rotation around the sun cycles. 

The Little Ice Age: International Commission on Economics (ICE) Effects on Global Crop Production Predicting Future Cycles  

MY PATH Journal was 238% Funded on Kickstarter

MY PATH Journal successfully funded through KickstarterWe are excited and grateful to announce that MY PATH Journal was fully funded on Kickstarter, reaching 238% allowing us to reach our Stretch Goal of developing an iOS and Android App.

MY PATH 30 Day Goal Journal is available HERE now that our Kickstarter campaign is finished. 

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Frost Damaged Fruit Crops and Snow Records Doubled Across USA

Frost Damaged Fruit Crops and Snow Records Doubled Across USAFruit and grain crops are damaged across the entire NE USA from the two arctic lows that pushed across North America in the first weeks of April. Blueberries were hardest hit along with peaches, corn and winter wheat. Wyoming, Colorado and Kansas doubled their previous snow total records in the same time. 

Frost Damaged Fruit Crops and Snow Records Doubled Across USA

Travel Areas in Myanmar’s Northern Regions

Myitkyina northern myanmar travel destinationWith the new change in Myanmar's Parliament, several more areas are set to open to tourism. This is a quick look at ares you can find that are a bit off the beaten track that will be expanded to be hop off points to these new areas planned in Japan's Tourism Master Plan. Pyay, Kyaing Tong, Myitkyina.

Travel Areas in Myanmar's Northern Regions

Legal Framework for Foreign Investment in Myanmar’s Power Sector

myanmar power transmission lines 2015An in depth look at Myanmar's legal and regulatory framework for foreign investment in the country's power sector. Points covered in VDBLoi's assessment are: Transaction fees, Consenting and planning, Project documentation, Investment licensing, Taxation and financing. 

Legal Framework for Foreign Investment in Myanmar's Power Sector

Newly Released March 2016 Myanmar Arbitration Law

2016 Myanmar Arbitration Law VDBLoiThe newly unveiled 2016 Myanmar Arbitration Law has been released and covers: Arbitration agreement, Composition of the arbitration tribunal,  Jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal, Power of the courts relating to domestic arbitration,  Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitrational awards.

2016 Myanmar Arbitration Law VDBLoi

First look at Myanmar's 2016 Arbitration Law VDBLoi

Indawgyi Lake Myanmar’s Second Largest Wetlands Ecosystem

indawgyi lake kachin state myanmarIndawgyi Lake Myanmar's Second Largest Wetlands Ecosystem, few people visit compared to other tourist draws in the country. The ecosystem covers 215 square miles, including a 100sqmi lake and surrounding forest. You start in Mohnyin then by car to Longlone. You can fly to Myitkyina and find your way to Hopan as well to access the nature reserve. 

Thickly covered temperate and semi-evergreen forests cover the area along with Shwe Myitsu Pagoda over the lakes waters. Get there fast as this is included in the Japanese Master Tourism Plan for development. 

Indawgyi Lake Myanmar's Second Largest Wetlands Ecosystem

A Look at Myanmar’s Inbound foreign Investment 2015-2016

Burma money FDI 2016With the announcement of Myanmar's new parliamentary members less than a month away, this is a look a look at Myanmar's inbound foreign Investment by sector and monthly totals.

If the transition of parliament seats proceeds smoothly than these amounts will spike upward through the latter part of 2016.

A Look at Myanmar's Inbound foreign Investment 2015-2016  


Dr. Muhammad Hanif: Director, Meteorological Department Islamabad: Global Cooling by 2019

Dr_Muhammad Hanif_Director _Meteorological Department_Islamabad_Global_Cooling_CDA_PresentationDr.Muhammad Hanif Director of the Meteorological Department in Islamabad, Pakistan warned citizens and government officials of drastic effects in society if immediate action is not taken to prepare for Global Cooling by 2019. His findings were presented at the 27th Training Course on Climate Change at Capital Development Authority (CDA's) Training Academy.


Dr.Muhammad Hanif (Director Meteorological Department Islamabad, Pakistan) Global Cooling 2019 PPT 

Myanmar Traditional Food and Social Dining Customs

traditional chicken pork burmese curryToday Magazine offers a look at traditional foods in Myanmar along with dining customs in a variety of situations. Religios and social gatherings, weddings, donating food to monks, providing offerings at religious shrines and eating out in town. Well worth a read to avoid social faux-paus while in country. 

Today Magazine: Myanmar Traditional Food and Social Dining Customs PDF

Myanmar Zodiac Horoscope your Day of the Week Birth

burmese zodiacMyanmar astrology is based on the number eight. The energy of eight proposes cosmic balance and resonates at a frequency of divine equilibrium. Mahabote is based on the eight days of the week. The image shows correspondences of animal signs with days of week, cardinal directions and zodiac symbol. Do you know which day of the week you were born? 

Today Magazine Myanmar Zodiac Horoscope Day of the Week Birth PDF

Burmese Zodiac Overview 

Myanmar’s Hottest Artist List: Golden Valley Art Center

Golden Valley Art Center Yangon MyanmarToday Magazine has a rundown of Myanmar Artist showing works at Golden Valley Art Center. Artists include: U Khin Myint Aung, U Tin Win, U Hliang Bwa, U Pyi Son. 

Today Magazine: Myanmar Artist List Golden Valley Art Center

Golden Valley Art Center HOME PAGE

New Yangon Restaurants: Irrawaddy Pizza Company & La Taverna Mediterranean Bistro

La Taverna Mediterranean Bistro yangon myanmarInFocus Magazine review of two new restaurants in Yangon, Irrawaddy Pizza Company in Thanlyin and La Taverna Mediterranean Bistro in the Yangon International Hotel. Regular listings include wide range of restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, spas, shopping with lunch specials included. 


InFocus Restaurant reviews and listings in Yangon, Myanmar

1380 Peer Reviewed Papers-Natural Temperature Change Hidden by IPCC

1380 Peer Reviewed Papers on Natural Temperature Changes Hidden by IPCC1380 Peer Reviewed Papers Dismissed by IPCC Showing Solar Connection to Earth's Climate are dismissed in discussion. Since 6000 papers were used to formulate AGW, these 1000+ would be at least 18% far above the 3% as claimed by the IPCC. 


1380 Peer Reviewed Papers on Natural Temperature Change Hidden by IPCC

Essential List of Telephone Numbers While Traveling in Myanmar

Useful Myanmar Phone Numbers while TravelingThis is a very useful list of telephone numbers if you are going to travel in Myanmar. Includes, emergency contacts for embassies, hospitals, police, tourist police, government ministries, weather and media contacts. 

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Water Management for Agribusiness Development in Myanmar

Myanmar Irrigation department damThe Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Irrigation Department water resources status for development of agribusiess in Myanmar. Presentation covers: Climate, rainfall, river basins, water use by industry, water resource management, main crops cultivated in Myanmar's agriculture sector, Irrigation department sectors, irrigation policy of current Myanmar government. 

Water Management for Agribusiness Development in Myanmar PDF

Petrol Prices Pwin Oo Lwin, Shan State: January 2016

Petrol prices jan 2016_pwin oo lwin shan state_ myanmarTraveling to Pwin Oo Lwin in central Shan State to purchase another container of Arabica green coffee beans

I was looking at all things related to logistics in the country to see how the drop in international oil prices has changed costs in the movement of goods across the country. The current exchange rate used is $1= K1280.

Full Sized Photo Link

Myanmar E-Visa Registry Online Ministry of Immigration

Myanmar E-Visa Ministry of Immigration Registry OnlineIf you are traveling to Myanmar you will need to secure a visa prior to arrival. The Ministry of Immigration has streamlined the process so now it takes only three days. 

Myanmar Ministry Of Immigration E-Visa Information Pack

Myanmar Ministry of Immigration E-Visa Website

2016-2019 Global Cooling Forecast

global cooling forecast 2016_2019Using an overlapping set of data points including Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Atlantic Multi Decadal Oscillation (AMO) Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), and Solar/Planetary Cycles show the Earths climate will cool significantly beginning 2017.


2016-2019 Global Cooling Forecast | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035

Phandeeyar Innovation Tech Hub Yangon, Myanmar

Phandeeyar Innovation Tech Hub Yangon MyanmarPhandeeyar Innovation Tech Hub Yangon, Myanmar is picking up speed in the race to connect the country’s 54 million through mobile apps, tools and content. 

Pansodan Gallery is opening a new photography exhibition space "Pansuriya Photography Space"

Pansodon Gallery

Phandeeyar Innovation Tech Hub