Global CO2 levels are the highest on record despite all of the measures and cuts through the last decades but remarkably we are still here and coastal cities continue to be inhabited. Some emergency. Bawwwwk. Europe freezes with Russia leading a full 10C+ drop in the last week from -40C to -52C, yes that is below zero. Otherworldly snowscapes pelt Romania and Austria.
Highest CO2 Concentrations on Record & Coldest Europe in Decades
Unsettling 150 Year Cold in Our Crop Zones
With the Arctic blast of early November 2019 being officially put into record, lets look back at the thousand or so all time cold records smashing and eclipsing the oldest records we have in the US and Canada. Even the Washington Post calling the event unprecedented coldest earliest ever recorded for this early in the year, which says a lot about how intense this event was. The UK and Nordic countries also setting dozens of all time cold records with record snow accumulations as well. Question, how do you think this will affect food pricing in the future?
China Begins To Isolate Itself, Mega Yachts Sink, Subliminal Food Price Signals
China begins to close its nation to preserve resources to survive the Grand Solar Minimum now requiring by 2021 all PC and Software must be China made, no more imports. Billionaire mega yacht sales plunge indicating an imminent recession. Subliminal message s in hyper-inflated currency where a banana will cost $120,000. Greg Allison explains what the Voyager space craft experienced crossing into interstellar space.
Antarctic Rescues and Five Cyclones
French Antarctic researchers were stranded and awaited extraction because the two year old French icebreaker's propeller broke. Australia sent a different icebreaker to finish the rescue. This is summer in the S. Hemisphere. U.N running ourt of money and using Extinction Rebellion to push global carbon taxes. Five cyclones form at the same time in the Indian Ocean.
Propane and Onion Shortages, The Effects
Propane shortages rock eight midwest states in the middle of harvest season as the Arctic blast and record blizzard covered crops in snow which requires excessive drying, but lack of propane grinds USA harvest to a trickle. Ham prices USA doubling for Thanksgiving. India onion shortage causes civil unrest that is spilling to Bangladesh.
Unthinkably Rare Climate Events are the New Normal
Coldest cloud tops ever measured during Typhoon Kammuri over the Philippines and the cloud heights pegged censors at 16KM in height through the Stratosphere. Two cyclones in different hemispheres bumping each other off Africa spinning in different directions. Mt Shasta about to set the world snow record for most snow over 18 feet. Southern Australia blanketed in Summer snow, NSW, Victoria and Tasmania with a foot plus.
Fake Australia Temps, Revoked Bonds & Record High Energy Rates
Tapestry for Hyperinflationary Food Prices
True State of Renewable Energy 2019/2020
Chile and the US withdraw from the climate accords as we descend deeper into the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. The amounts of renewable power megawatts forecast is but a fraction of a fraction of what the globe needs to continue an international economy. Record cold in Europe and the US signal a return to reduced agricultural output. You judge the validity of the information presented.
Antarctic Sea Ice Gain Caused Global Cooling
New article describes how growth of Antarctic sea ice moves ocean circulation currents enough to cause mini ice ages or full blown ice ages, and Antarctic sea ice is growing. Eleven thousand scientists sign petition for climate emergency, but there are heaps of fake names on the list including Mickey Mouse, no kidding. Sunspotless days continue in the solar minimum…..
Worldwide Seed Banks & Global Climate Damage
Looking at Global Seed banks and the new discussion about stress resistance and gene diversity in the unaltered seed strains, included a map of 20 USA seed banks. Global storm damage claims down, Australia temp records from 1878 to present show almost no warming and the Halloween deep freeze in the USA is being framed in the corporate media.
This Cycle is going to be Different
With heavier more powerful cycles at our door step we as a society need to have conversations on global food security. We as a species have even forgotten major celestial events as recently as 200 years with the meteor shower of 1833 in SE USA and the Carrington event that aurora were seen in South America. Now this year unprecedented blizzards, Arctic freezes cover the N. Hemisphere and the coldest temperature ever recorded in October in the N. Hemisphere in Utah. Changes have begun.
The Lost Khmer City Found and the Vertical Fish Farms in Asia
Food Shortages in an Economic Collapse and What Happens to Calorie Intake
We finally know what will happen in an economic collapse, food shortages and hyperinflation, you either have the money to buy or the food will be exported. There will be no hand outs out of sympathy. A look at new IPCC natural variability models vs. CO2 inputs and a look at one million years of ice gain and retreat on Earth.
Are Global Grain Shipments Being Shuffled Around to Avoid Panic?
San Francisco tests the EMS broadcasting system referencing the 1989 Earthquake and it seem so many countries across the planet are with holding r decreasing outbound grain exports. China setting up for South American grain deliveries forever with new ports and the understanding that during the Maunder Minimum South American temperatures changed very little compared to the N. Hemisphere.