Strange vibrations from the Earth registered around the planet for 20 minutes that is still unknown. A look at the cause of the 7.0+ quake over Alaska being directly under an area disturbed in the Ionosphere. Our planet is now experiencing an uptick in electric earthquakes, extreme climate and seismic events as the next step down further into the Grand Solar Minimum changes to the Global Electric Circuit.
Day After Tomorrow Scenes, Antarctica Cools & Jet Streams Bent
Extremes of colliding air masses record heat on one side and record cold on the other in N. America and Europe. This indicates that the weakening magnetosphere is allowing the jet streams to bend, break and collapse into new positions across the planet.
Massive ice growth on Great Lakes, Antarctica cools as unsettled science as now new discoveries about the Atlantic currents effecting our climate.
Akkadian Empire Collapse, this May Be Happening Again Right Now
The Akkidian Empire suddenly collapsed after 400 years of rule in the area formerly known as Babylon. A massive drought with sudden onset, set in motion a mega drought across the region lasting 100 years, but other regions shifted as well to new moisture patterns.
It was a sudden onset, as we are now seeing with hot and cold out of season jamming up in the jet streams. All expected as the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies.
Unseen hands locking down the information of crop losses in the Grand Solar Minimum
Even if there's enough food, it's going to get way more expensive and the economy will be shifting at the same time. That's the bare minimum of what's occurring.Police are there to raid storage warehouses and forcing wholesalers to sell at a lower price or go to jail. These raids have showcased the links at which these authorities are willing to go to prevent popular discontent from boiling over, meaning street riots because of high food prices.
Black Horse of Famine “GSM Seal” is Broken: Economist Magazine Cover
The new Economist Magazine Year 2019 has a black cover, which is unusual because normally it is ornately decorated with predictions for the coming year, that is unless you can see the Black Horse arriving as the next broken seal. With the Grand Solar Minimum intensification ready to ramp up 4x through 2019, the symbolism is stark and seems to point to rising food prices and further declining global crop yields.
Facing Overlapping Cycles, Severe Winters and Shorter Summers
When another climatologist steps out and says all the recent Global Warming was not due to CO2 but ocean cycles and water vapor, that's something. The Atlantic is switching to its cold phase where ocean waters are going to be cooler for the next 30 years in a natural Earth cycle, that also affects the European temperatures and European weather. Now we are facing overlapping cycles.
Fuel First, Food Second, Repeating Cycles For the Masses
Mind experiment; as you have seen French very upset about rising fuel prices when there is still available supply, what do you think will happen when food triples in price and there is limited supply? Climatologists coming out stating Water Vapor is the cause of the worlds warming and that the Atlantic is in the process of cooling on its 60 year cycle which will increase Arctic Sea Ice.
A New Chapter on How the Atmosphere Is Working
Sun Dimming, the Geoengineering Excuse Why Earth is Cooling
More unusual climate extremes across the planet from three feet of rain in Saudi Arabia to snow in the Canary Islands, quadruple waterspouts in Thailand, EF4 waterspouts in Italy, record snow France and Russia. Winter beauty in Romania with ice flowers, but be scared as sea level rises will make you leave the coast by 2300.
Out of Season Climate Chaos Continues
Record cold emperatures North America, Central Asia and Russia while Scandinavian countries bake. Record early snows, record monthly snow totals with strongest in 150 year winter storms crippling eastern Canada. Crop harvests delayed S.E USA and record cold all the way to southern Mexico.Double dyanmo in the Sun explains how cancelling magnetic waves create a Grand Solar Minimum
What NASA Means About Earth Cooling & Atmosphere Shifting
More articles out about our planet cooling for a decade or two before the global warming march continues in 2030's. NASA saying look out for global cooling, beer prices doubling, 40 foot waves rip apart apartments Canary Islands, 30F below normal record breaking temperatures on tap for Canada and USA plus ice storms and crop destroying fronts in Asia.
Massive Floods Namibian Desert & Crop Price Roundup
One of the driest places on Earth, massive floods, this time Namibia. World wheat production confirmed at least 4% decrease and expected further reductions as the last of the delayed 2018 harvest were totaled. Oil seed press cake price up so expect meat and egg prices to climb. Argentina overtakes Australia in wheat experts as Australia continues its descent into a mega-drought.
Food Recalls to Mask Global Crop Losses and Reduce Demand
More food recalls with Roundup contamination, this time its oats. I'm beginning to ask myself the question, is it now this story after story of food contamination to reduce demand as crop yields decline globally? Rye yields down, wheat yields down, European vegetable yields down and New Zealand vineyards frozen with rare frosts late in spring.
50% Crop Losses in Western Australia & Permafrost Woes
A remote lake off the Brooks Range in Alaska's North Slope oil and gas production areas, corporate media blames humans for causing permafrost melt but then say this methane isn't from permafrost melt its an oil field seep, all the while forgetting record cold and crop losses in W. Australia during the same week. So much for unbiased media.
Arctic Methane Release as Fault Zones Slip
Beidou Qi Xing, Cult of the Big Dipper When Chinese Dynasties Collapsed
What Lengths Will China Go To Feed Its People as Ancient Cycles Repeat
With the first ever "red warning for cold" issued in cities around HeiLongJiang N.E China, it signals a shift to a cooler climate as well monsoons shifting during Grand Solar Minimums. So the signs around us with out of season dust storms, yellow snow events "tiramisu snow", desert outpost in drought for centuries now covered in snow, we need to ask ourselves, what lenghts will Chins go to feed its people as a 400 year cycle in low solar activity repeats?
Cold Cyclone Low & UK Climate Assessment Forecast to 2030
Cyclone winds blast UK at 100mph+ moving to western Europe on the heels of the incredibly strong storm it is blamed on climate change as told by the UK Climate Projections where the world will flood and temperatures on average will be 8C above todays. Also the natural cycle Atlantic Multi Decadal Oscillation (AMO) cooling and warming cycles are pinned on humans. Lets delve into to climate reality being sold to the world in 2018.