Butter prices hit all time highs in the UK, they are even warning of a butter shortage by Christmas 2017. Additionally with the heat wave in the western USA, disposing of dead cattle is overwhelming the disposal facilities. As dead cows sit in the heat, methane from internal rot is causing cows to explode. Back in May 2017 disposal facilities were overwhelmed by 100 million tons of rotted onions due to excessive snowfalls and collapsed storage facilities.
Removal of Dead Cattle and Onions Overwhelming Disposal Infrastructure
Removal of Dead Cattle and Onions Overwhelming Disposal Infrastructure
Jumping over to the Guardian butter prices at all-time high they're predicting a butter shortage by Christmas and as I've been saying start to look for the signs the prices of your food are going to start increasing especially at the end of the year when the wheat and the barley harvest come in that are going to be far below what the predictions were by even the most conservative experts here now butter prices soaring more than 20% in the UK to all-time highs. In that same article at the bottom some links to a couple of older articles here 2015 dairy farmers in despair didn't even make sense for them to milk the cows because it was so cost any efficient the ROI put them into negative territory what a difference two years makes and then the dairy price wars in 2014 almost put these same farmers out of business but wait until this next year what one single year of difference is going to bring on the price of our food globally.
In my channel I focus on weather extremes brought about by the grand solar minimum the intensification of the 400 year cycle of our Sun having effects on our jet stream the Intertropical Convergence zone and how it's going to shift weather patterns here we go front-page news on the LA Times thousands of cows die in California due to the heatwave but I want you to remember this disposing of them becomes a problem we're trying to actually water the cows to keep them cool just like they would do with stranded dolphins or stranded whales on the beach they're actually putting sprinklers out to cool the cattle down now what's happening the carcasses are piling up and the rendering plants where they need to dispose of these animals are overflowing literally with dead cows and this scorching heat literally they're exploding for the methane gas is releasing when they go try to touch these cows kaboom they're exploding but high and low I have been unable to find pictures of these carcasses that are piling up.
I have these stories that are being passed through social media but I just don't see any images but hold that thought for a moment problems disposing of them the infrastructure now let's jump over to natural news freak snowstorm destroys a hundred million pounds of onions in Idaho and Oregon this was in May and what had happened there was such heavy such wet snow that it collapsed warehouses and different onion storage facilities and because all these onions had spoiled unbeknownst to myself I didn't know there's an onion maggot which tends to then thrive because it has such a large food source that can then infect healthy fields later on so the government requires there's any types of these tonnage 'as of spoiled onions they have to be disposed of literally proper federally regulated disposal facilities but we find the exact same thing that these disposal facilities were overwhelmed with the lawsuit now they're being overwhelmed with the cattle that they can't dispose of they even call it a minor miracle that the cold onions could even be disposed of a hundred million pounds of onions is no easy task.
Video and Content Produced by David DuByne
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Removal of Dead Cattle and Onions Overwhelming Disposal Infrastructure