Greenland Glaciers Start to Recover as Solar Activity Declines

As the Grand Solar Minimum brings us back to the lowest solar activity in 400 years, we should see more snow cover and glaciers recovering. NASA study shows what was Greenland's largest glacier by volume of loss, is now recovering. Record N. Hemisphere snow totals, massive floods USA destroying 38% of stored grains, recors snow in Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains, and record rains in the U.S desert S.W. In my opinion these are solar activity and cosmic ray related events.



Greenland Glaciers Start to Recover as Solar Activity Declines

This video was originally published 26/3/2019


Starting off from Stephen Goddard’s Twitter account that says, “This media may contain sensitive material.” yet again. How many times have we seen this in Stephen Goddard’s feed? It does make you think of something gory.



When you open it is Temperature Anomalies from 1980 to 2018, showing the pause is still here. If you have an open mind and you are looking for other reasons for the cataclysmic weather which continues to amplify year after year, this is an inconvenient chart, at least from the global media perspective. They do not want you to see this because you might start asking why the global temperatures are not rising, as the IPCC said they would.



Anyway, ice jams across Midwest rivers brought on by massive floods that have ruined and destroyed 38% of all stored grains in America. Massive floods overtopping levees in Missouri and now recorded as the biggest flood ever recorded in the history of the United States and it moving down to the Mississippi river. I hope they are moving the rest of the stored grains downstream there because major storage facilities further down the Mississippi will be inundated.


This one here was back in February 3rd. It has been in my box and I was trying to figure out how to use this, because it talked about record snow that had caused Colorado's ski season to open not just early, but the earliest ever recorded. I thought, last year, California had the latest ever recorded skiing season all the way to late July to the first week of August, then here, we have Wolf Creek ski area opening early. What is with the huge increases in mountain snows across North America?



Let’s look at how much avalanche danger is there in Colorado this year due to the all-time record snows. This made me think of all the interstate closures caused by the inland Bombogenesis. The red areas were where even more additional record snows came down, that now have an elevated emergency avalanche danger.



(BELOW) When I say avalanche danger and all-time record snows, it meant so much snow that they needed to redo the scale of how much snow has fallen this season. That upward trajectory in the graph, the blue, is where we are, 2018-2019 winter. Notice the yellow line with exceptional snowfalls as well. That was in 2017-2018 winter. Do you think it is getting snowier and wetter in Colorado? I think it is getting wetter in so many places, especially in the deserts Southwest, the Sierra Nevada mountains, and Colorado. We are seeing an extremely wet U.S, and this is going to continue as the Grand Solar Minimum and magnetic pole reversal intensifies.



Then I thought, the U.S might be the only spot in the Northern Hemisphere experiencing record snows, but low and behold, the Finnish Meteorological Institute published this record. That red line in their graph is the above average snowfall for the Northern Hemisphere, 2018-2019. And you know what, it looked exactly like that last year as well in 2017-2018. So, that 1982-2012 average record was smashed two years in a row, but still nobody is trying to equate this with the Grand Solar Minimum intensification.


Instead, they are trying to feed you with some ideas that the oceans are warming. But if you look at the records, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation is going into its cool phase on its 60-year cycle. That takes away part of heating in the Northern Hemisphere.



Speaking of all-time record snows, even more snow has fallen in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This year, they have already eclipsed last year's all-time record yet again. An extra four feet of snow were recorded during the March 5th, 6th, and 7th event.



Furthermore, I want to bring you over to Greenland because everybody is talking about Greenland melting as the marker for global warming heat. The top chart represents this year, 2018-2019. That black line at the zero mark where it says “Mass Loss” will be our baseline. Anything above that line means gains, while anything below it means losses. Obviously, during the melt season it is going to lose some ice, but as you can see throughout the rest of the year, it is steady. If we look at the 2012-2013 chart, the bottom image, you can see as pointed by the orange arrow, how low and how gargantuan the ice loss was at that time.


Comparing that with the top image, you can see clearly that it is not losing nearly as much ice. Yet the IPCC and its complicit corporate media minions keep on talking about Greenland ice melting.



This one is from NASA. The headline reads: New study finds key melting Greenland glacier, once the poster boy, for global warming is now growing again. The left image shows an orange box, that is the Central West Greenland’s Jacobshavn Glacier. It used to be the single largest source for mass loss from Greenland over the last 20 years, but now, it has ceased melting and so it has started growing again.



This is the exact location as shown by the image below. For me it is startling and beyond comprehension, that we are heading into this Grand Solar Minimum as evidenced by all the changes that are happening, yet, we are not supposed to discuss these changes, because they say these changes are from carbon dioxide, and nobody wants to talk about other causations such as magnetic pole reversal or GSM’s.



Our food supply has been washed away in the United States. We are not going to be able to grow to refill what was lost this year fast enough, due to excessively poor planting conditions and forecast planting delays.


Food prices are rising, and other countries are experiencing the same thing as well. We must get on a massive project to develop solutions to bring agriculture in door or switch grow zones.



But the IPCC and corporate media are still insisting on the idea that “you” are a polluter because of CO2 production caused these massive changes, instead of addressing the changes due to declining activity of the Sun with Earth’s magnetic poles moving, as the driver of climate change. It seemed more like the corporate media is deflecting you from the true information of why these changes are happening, to keep you unprepared. The reasons for that is for you to conclude.



Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.


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