Geoengineering tests are being public announced by Harvard University, the Solar Geoengineering Research Program is now public. So much for the conspiracy, First "spray trials" will begin in early 2019 with calcium carbonate injected into cloud layers using a tethered balloon to begin with, moving to a fleet of aircraft at full roll out.
The plan is to mimic a Pinatubo eruption level event to cool the planet by 0.6C within 15 months, termed rapid cooling. This will occur the same time the planet begins to cool as the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies. The program will be indefinite due to "termination shock" and full reversal to global warming conditions if they stop.
Extinction Level Event Begins Early 2019 as Harvard Public Geoengineering Project Goes Live
The title of the article has the phrase “Extinction Level Event…” which is not a joke nor an exaggeration. That is truly my own feeling, opinion of this event starting in the spring of 2019. Forget the global cataclysms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, global cooling, Grand Solar Minimum or crop losses, this trumps them all.
Meanwhile, Harvard scientists are setting themselves up to be new gods of the universe. They will claim that they have cooled the planet, and thus they have to be worshiped. The guise of the experiment falls under Stratosphere Controlled Perturbation Experiment with a catchphrase “SCoPEx” on climate effects to replicate a volcanic eruption with the world's first solar Geoengineering experiment.
Now it's public and Harvard Scientists are going to take credit for global cooling that is arriving due to the Grand Solar Minimum starting now, or they'll try to.
Look how they will use geoengineering to “quickly lower the planet's temperature”. How quickly is quickly? You get the feeling they could probably get this program up and running in less than two years. Then they would say, “Look at what we did!” Convenient, especially when the real cold comes in 2021 from decreased solar activity.
So take a good look at these faces. If you want to talk about selling out your species, but it's my own personal opinion on what they're on to. This experiment is going to go runaway accidentally on purpose. We've been called conspiracy theorists for mentioning Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, and here they are using computer models to show us how perfect they can track, and guarantee a hundred percent smooth operation with no negative side effects. Computer modeling promises us that.
What Harvard scientists are going to try to do is lower the planet's temperature by six-tenths of a degree using the same model of the Mount Pinatubo eruption, which gives a time frame of fifteen months. At the beginning of the experiment, they're going to use 300 grams of calcium carbonate particles, but then, how quickly do you think they'll ramp up the size from the initial size of a soda can? Are they going to to double that and then see what happens, then double it again and see what happens, and then you double it again and again? How many millions tons will be injected up there?
They're not going to tell you about it, they'll just inject in the atmosphere. Then after they do and the planet cools as a part of natural Grand Solar Minimum cycle, they’d claim that they are responsible for the cooling. Finally, they’d tell us that they just saved us and governments need to create a permanent global tax to keep the Geoengineering operation going.
The problem is, there is a direct correlation of large volcanic eruptions and decreased yields in corn, soybeans, rice and wheat in the years following these eruptions. This was observed in both El Chichon and Pinatubo, and they want to replicate a Pinatubo eruption?
So I think, this is telling me that they're trying to find a way to reduce global food production. It's not bad enough that the Grand Solar Minimum is throwing 18 curveballs to already established agricultural methods, but now on top of that they're going to try to cool the planet. In my opinion, this is an extinction-level event. Wars will pale in comparison. Perhaps the seals are broken.
On to the perfection of the models, because models are known to be perfect, working correctly every time and perfectly reliable, right? James Hansen, even your low Scenario B is at least double of today's temperatures. You’d think that if in 2009 and 2010 the models weren't working, you sould have readjusted them, but no, you just kept going with the same error filled data model.
Stepping into 2015, 2016 and 2017 and still, the models are not reflecting reality. Of the 73 models, this time one is close. So let's just keep going with the same status quo.
(BELOW) Do you know where we are? At that yellow star on the right, which still puts 76 out of 77 models as defunct and incorrect. Yet, the IPCC is still using the same models and still hoping that the climate will warm. They're going to use models to try to predict where these aerosols are going to spread across the planet too, so what could possibly go wrong?
Remember, even just up to last month talking about Nano-particulate dispersal by aircraft made you a conspiracy theorist. Put on the tinfoil hat and go say “Hey” to Bigfoot, then suddenly, out of Nature Journal, the idea is to simply spray a bunch of particles into the stratosphere, then those particles will reflect sunrays back to space. Now, where is the stratosphere?
You can see it above your head, it’s 50 kilometers overhead. If they do it correctly, you won't even see the aircraft dispersing this. The balloons are at a certain height where you won't even see them, so don't worry it won't exist, but it's all good, just pay the global tax.
In hindsight, how do they deliver such particles into our atmosphere? At the beginning, they're going to use a tethered balloon, then they're going move to a fleet of high-flying aircraft. This will only cost $10 billion dollars per year. If the calcium carbonate reflective white doesn't work, they propose to use the default, Sulphur dioxide.
Those particles are the same that come out of volcanic eruptions, so either way, they got you covered, Harvard is going to protect the planet. Global intervention is what they call it because we humans are so bad, but the planet has only risen in temperature three-tenths of a degree during this entire climate scare from the 1960’s.
Still, they want to go up and block out the Sun when our Earth is coming into a cooling phase naturally. This is pure insanity.
Because of the “philanthropist mindset” of this project, we're just giving a gift to humanity, the funded team will not seek to file a single patent in the process that will begin in the spring of 2019.
The real reason they're not filing any patents on this, is because all the patents for aerial dispersal, marine surface dispersal, balloon dispersal and rocket dispersal have already been patented over the last 70 years.
There are more than 300 patents on this type of dispersal mechanism for particulates into the atmosphere already. There's no way for them to patent anything. I highly suggest you to go over to to see the list of patents. I've done an interview with Jim Lee myself.
Our interview last year is on my YouTube channel, you can also visit Climate Viewer News at to see the full list of all these patents in play from spray vessels and spray nozzles, to the ways ships are going to be used here.
All these patents are peer-reviewed research and are listed throughout academic journals so you can see the results and how they're trying to improve what they're doing in aerosol cloud experiments utilizing ships, planes, balloons and rockets.
I love what David Keith said at the beginning, “I have yet to encounter any public protest or any direct opposition aside from the occasional conspiracy theorists.” You know what David Keith, I personally object on the record in this newsletter. What if your experiments go wrong, who is to blame? Nobody.
I've linked an enormous amount of resources below this article, from the American Meteorological Society and everything in between. Look at all the reports coming out as reasons for all these different materials in the air. Calcium carbonate is what the Harvard crew wants to use, but they've also been using sodium chloride, potassium chloride, lithium carbonate, magnesium oxide and Nano metals such as barium, strontium and aluminum.
You can look at all these research reports that are free in PDF format, just click and you can check out the results of what they were doing. Solar Geoengineering Research in India, I thought it was the first time it ever happened. This was published on November 9, 2018. We also have the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensemble Project and I thought, it was just supposed to be a couple of hundred grams according to David and Frank at Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program. You're already planning to scale it up. The plans are on the books. Then you can just say, “We put it out in public and now it's time to go bigger. It really works, we did a lot of model runs.” Then we see Climate Response to Aerosol Geoengineering: A Multimethod Comparison from six months ago.
Impacts of Stratospheric Sulphate Geoengineering on photovoltaic, meaning solar panels and CSP plants. To concentrate solar power in the desert, you reflect thousands of mirrors into single point on a tower and boil water to create steam to spin turbines. So, they even have studies as to how much this is going to affect solar panels and CSP plants. That was back in May of 2017, and they're saying that now, was the first time that they we're just delving into it and that they never even thought about it.
Furthermore, Cloud Brightening is where they shoot mist up from ocean vessels but they're still investigating surface and circulation impacts. Meaning, atmospheric disturbances due to the increased water vapor and particulate up there; meaning, messing with the rain and flows of the atmosphere. How about the climate response to stratospheric sulphate injections? We have to know how the climate is going to react when we put particulates up there. Then there is this Addressing Climate Emergencies and that scares me the most. They already know there's going to be an emergency somewhere, and they're trying to address it preemptively, saying “If you put this much it's going to do this… and if you add this extra amount it's going to do that.” That is what the entire report is about and was done back in 2012.
I know that science has gotten better in the last six years. There have been a lot of more computer model runs done, I'm sure. How about this one, Effects of Solar Radiation Management which means spraying the skies with Harvard now publicly saying that they're going to do this on a water cycle in the Coupled-Land Atmospheric Model, meaning that these particles drift out of the sky eventually into your water supply. How about this nugget at the bottom published in 2011, Seasonally Modulated Tropical Drought Induced by Volcanic Aerosols, just switch the word volcanic aerosols into Harvard's geoengineering spraying program, do you mean they can cause droughts when they do that? There's “no” problem there, they already did the model runs, so it will be perfect.
Jim Lee did a great job running down these patents with images linked to the articles, the publications and the peer-reviewed studies. I highly encourage you again to check out Jim Lee’s work, you'll be shocked, You will not get off that site for days when you get there. It is an absolute, mind-bending reality changer when you see these patents.
Moving on, this cloud formation, have you seen this before? Those were cirrus clouds formed when a cloud seeding experiments were carried out in South Africa.
If you have yet to understand what I’ve been talking about, here's the best part of the whole report, Termination Shock, Geoengineering only masks the real problem. If the practice is ever ceased, unforeseen side effects and runaway Global Warming will almost instantly be felt the moment Harvard stops.
Do you see all that cash potential; this is even better than CO2 because once the planet cools Geoengineers are going to take credit for it. Then they're going to brainwash everybody into thinking that this new program is saving humanity and we can continue to pollute and still run our lives exactly the same because all they need to do is spray in the skies and that can keep us cool down here.
I don't like the idea of paying 50% of my wages to a global tax just to keep the program going. We will have a small global tax in the beginning, but it'll grow larger and larger by law.
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*** Today’s Story Links ***
First geoengineering experiment to dim the sun on track for 2019
UAH Global Temperature Update for November, 2018: +0.28 deg. C
First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth
OMG list of weather engineering an geoengineering patents through YOU’RE YOUR HEAD WILL SPIN
Ship aerosol seeding
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Results of the South African Cloud-Seeding Experiments Using Hygroscopic Flares
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