More articles out about our planet cooling for a decade or two before the global warming march continues in 2030's. NASA saying look out for global cooling, beer prices doubling, 40 foot waves rip apart apartments Canary Islands, 30F below normal record breaking temperatures on tap for Canada and USA plus ice storms and crop destroying fronts in Asia.
What NASA Means About Earth Cooling & Atmosphere Shifting
NASA now warns of long cold winter, icy conditions and Global Cooling, thought it was supposed to be all time record heat.
I wonder what they know about the Grand Solar Minimum intensification? Here's another article, Mini Ice Age on the way. You're now starting to see it across the headlines, I'm wondering why right now they are starting to put this out through the mainstream media, cooling on our doorstep.
When you look at Solar Cycle 25 and 26, perhaps they're trying to warn the world, or they're trying to protect themselves saying, “Hey, we told you about this, don't look at us.”
Speaking of that, global rye production down 30% this year, barley as well, So look for prices of beer to double.
Hops has also been affected by the cooler wetter conditions than normal in 2018.
To sum it up. Decreased beer supply = increased beer prices. Simple chart to sum up the rest of your life moving forward from this point. It doesn't matter if it's beer, wheat, barley, rye or sorghum, whatever it is that you eat from this point forward, there will be less of it. So everything you buy is going to increase in price well above inflation levels.
The question you might pose to yourself, if you're going to take all this extra money and put it into your food supply, where are you going to be pulling from in the economy that you're not spending? Restaurants? Travel? Movies? Electronics? How are those industries is going to be affected as we move forward?
The article here did some really good calculations about how global consumption of beer is going to decline by 16% and those in the less developed economies are predicted to double the average global decline in consumption. They're using Argentina as a test case.
We’re already starting to see this push and pull with prices becoming too expensive that cuts right into consumption and average spending. At what point do these two things disconnect? Where you must have it to stay alive and it doesn't matter what it costs. You're going to, buy it, steal it, fight for it or die for it. The economy comes in a distant second except those who can supply it, whatever that “it” is.
With the change in Earth’s magnetosphere, we're expecting atmospheric changes along with jet streams, cloud bands, cloud patterns and cloud cells across the planet moving into different locations.
(BELOW) Here is a perfect example of what is on tap and how our crop yields are going to decline from this point forward. Do you see the compressed line between extreme heat and extreme cold on the two edges of the front here? That really thin line is the most extreme weather you could possibly imagine. There may be one pound of hailstones in the middle of that hurricane-force wind updraft. Anything out in the fields is going to be absolutely destroyed by either wind, rain or hail.
As that front descends, it's going right through Heilongjiang and Mongolia, two major wheat producers on the planet and we see Chinese dynasties collapsing every Grand Solar Minimum. Coincidence or repeating pattern?
If this becomes the norm in every single weather front Chinese crop production is finished throughout the northern part of their country. Hence all the trade wars, tariffs and possible conflicts to remove the troublemakers off the streets. When citizens of ages 18-30 take to the streets to protest high food prices which the governments have no solutions, ever heard of a military draft?
As we get deeper into global crop losses, we're going to need to have every single possible solution at our fingertips. Here's one, this is from 1894 where they were talking about using granite dust to increase crop yields without having to use fertilizers. I put a little bit of yellow highlight at the bottom point of number four. Granite dust, they call it stone meal, helps plants resist drought and frost. We should start using this right now with traditional agriculture. Additionally, it creates immunity to fungi, and all Grand Solar Minimum food productions stem from wet conditions, we are heading into the mold and fungus period right now due to too much moisture in 30% of ag zones globally, I wonder if this is a double solution here?
When I say bread from granite, I really mean this thing right here, turned into dust, into fertilizer to increase crop yields so we can get a loaf of bread out of a stone.
We're just one small planet in one small Solar System revolving around our Galaxy. Our neighboring star systems affect us. The flow through plasma and the Birkeland Currents affects our star. It's on a cyclical pattern, its mappable, and we're in it again.
Talking about long-term temperature trends, is considered sensitive material by Twitter. Steven Goddard, talking about ice core graphs and showing the exact opposite of what you have been told growing up. It was much warmer in the Medieval Warming Period (MWP), a thousand years ago. When you go back 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 on the graph below, even warmer 10,000 years back, a heatwave, compared to today.
Why is this deemed sensitive? Let me open that and see how sensitive it is. It’s just a temperature graph yet Twitter thought this was sensitive enough material to block it. This is the kind of censorship that's going on right now. Don't look at the long-term temperature trends so you don’t see these cycles repeating. You can’t tax that !
Speaking of which, let's take a look at over the last twelve thousand years. Sunspot activity equals heat activity on our planet. You can see where the drop-offs are, and if you map it back through time over the last 3, 000 years you get a good connection between civilization declines and solar activity declines.
The Maunder Minimum which is the far right of the chart, when you go to the very bottom, you hit that bottom blue line, this is where we are heading again. Far right at the year zero, that now.
You would expect atmospheric changes, wind velocity anomalies and out of season storms with the intensifying GSM. Here's another one, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Buildings usually have beach 150 feet in front of that apartment complex. Waves are so large that when they're crashing, a look on the right side, shows spray up to 30-40 feet ripping balconies off the building! I linked everything below. That is a video you must watch.
We've also seen this ramp up in intensity and sightings of Sun halos, but this is something I've never seen before. Three Sun halos overlapping, in Zimbabwe.
The geometry in the sky is mythical in itself. Sacred geometry, The Wheel of Life.
Meanwhile, blizzard in New York and all-time record snows across Northeast United States and so many places throughout the US. and Canada, Mexico and Russia.
Ice storms in the same days, look how thick the ice is, I would not want to have to scrape the car off, or get that moving.
For those of you that have just experienced the super freeze and record snows across the Northeast US. and other parts southeast U.S November 2018 this record cold from Alberta is going to sweep down through the central plains states. It can be seen from that dark purple at the top there. It's 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit below normal temperatures.
As we move through the Eastern Canadian, Maritimes, they're already cold. Eastern part of the United States, North East, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire etc. are already cold. Record cold !
What’s on tap for November 22nd is shocking, these temperatures you're witnessing here, every single city that is included in this map, is going to break an all-time cold temperature record. Tens of thousands of temperature records broken on this small little map here.
Over here to what's expected as we move from this point through Thanksgiving, the 24th. Providence, Rhode Island breaks the old record of 30 Fahrenheit down to 24F. Boston is expected to smash its record as well, 22F is now down to 19F, but that was set back in 1901, plus we see the same thing in New York city.
Forecast highs are even set to be lower than what the record temperatures are now. Something unusual is going on. Corporate Media is trying to deflect and say, don't look at this event. They are trying to explain that Global Warming is creating the cooling, because it's so anomalous and so intense. In the 1984 world we live in presently; hot = record cold, because when you turn on your oven it begins to snow in the room.
We're here looking at the forecast lows. Places like Burlington, Vermont they're looking at 8 degrees Fahrenheit on Thanksgiving morning. Pittsburgh, 16 degrees Fahrenheit on Thanksgiving, these are absolutely incredible temperatures. We generally only reach these types of lows, late January or early February, the very coldest of the winter. Yet, this is a full month before winter even starts! So as we enter into the Grand Solar Minimum, you can expect more of these anomalies and even colder temperatures in January and February of 2019.
Taking you a few days past Thanksgiving what you see in the center of the US. is extreme cold, but I want you to look down in Mexico. It’s going to be 16 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit below normal temperatures there. We also see extreme heat bordering extreme cold. You can only imagine these weather events with the wind, the hail, the sideways blowing, darting, freezing rain. Luckily most of the crops have already been harvested because whatever is left after these events will be non-harvestable.
Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. You can take this info on the go for 30 minutes at a time through your day with Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast anywhere where podcasts are hosted across the net.
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Beer Crisis: How Climate Change Could Cause A Global Barley Shortage
Get chart Bread from Stones PDF
A mini ice age could be on the way which means it will get very, very cold
Ginormous waves destroy fourth floor holiday home in Tenerife
Strange below normal temperatures mid November
Massive line of storms Asia
Extreme cold Eastern Canada
Thanksgiving’s High Temperatures Could Be Among the Coldest on Record in Parts of the Northeast
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