Saudi Arabia “Flooding in the desert that has never been seen before”, apparently, this even goes back to the days in accounts of Arab traders along the Silk Road thousands of years prior. We are talking about eight hundred, twelve hundred years ago and they never talked about this much water standing in the deserts, now under three feet of water.
Atmosphere Compresses & Deserts Bloom
This is from the last storm where you can see how much water has come down, stranding the entire city. I love the one where they have the boat going past the cars.
Feet and feet and feet of standing water! They’re not used to the runoff that should be put in place because they don't get these kinds of rains ever! In multi-centuries, they haven't had these types of rains.
Roads turning into canals. You can see the four-wheel drive, barely struggling through, along with the tractor-trailer.
Back over to Petra, two flash floods in two weeks! It's the same event happening across the Middle East. There was a previous flash flood event that occurred on November 9th and then the other was just nine days later.
(BELOW) Then another. If you can't see the flooding happening, I'm going to direct you to the very center of the picture. That's an overflowing river, so you can start to see how much water came down. Wherever it looks like it's moving and it's not a building, that's rushing water that's formed a new river gouging its way through the city.
At the same time, there are lots of tourists in Petra, and those white objects you see to the far right are cars being tossed down the river. I've linked everything below so you can go ahead and take a look at the videos. See those standing waves, that's rushing water creating rapids in the desert!
Terrifying for several people, these are called wadis and when you get inside. They're basically canyons that extend up tens or hundreds of feet with vertical walls. These have been scoured out over tens of thousands of years by water and wind erosion. When they do have floods, all the water rushes down these river beds. You have to put this into perspective, the people recording this video are trapped in this canyon, in the wadi. They don't even know if they're going to make it out alive, or get swept down and drowned. Yet they took the footage. The water did not reach up to where they were, and they lived to tell about it. How terrifying would that be?
Over here to Saudi Arabia, the claim is, “Flooding in the desert that has never been seen before.” Now, apparently, this even goes back to the days in their accounts of Arab traders along the Silk Road. We are talking about eight hundred, twelve hundred years ago and they have never talked about this much water, and that is the desert there, it's under three feet of water. There have been so many of these events, from Oman to Jordan to Yemen, Saudi Arabia and everywhere in between.
This is the end result. The deserts are blooming again! And if we go over to Northeast Africa and the Sahel, exact same thing is happening. The deserts are blooming around our world again.
In my personal opinion, this is not a 400-year event that we're starting to repeat now, it’s something much longer in duration, a much heavier and more powerful cycle that we're encountering right now.
It's the only possible explanation. Arab traders never talked about deserts flooding three feet deep as far as you could see and turning it into an inland sea. Not even one account of that! Yet the deserts are blooming again.
Some amazing photos coming out. Look at all these desert flowers. Now these are the things that really struck me the most, the flowers, the camels, really beautiful.
(BELOW) This is the aerial view of the deserts in Saudi Arabia and the same thing is happening in the Sahel in Northeast Africa. It makes you wonder why the Chinese are there with all their investment and their rail lines going out into the middle of the deserts. Those same rail lines are going right to the edge of formerly dried mega-lake beds.
The middle of those fields could be crop growing areas. What did they know about thousand year cycles, the multi-millennia churning off us in the cosmos. The Chinese know something, that's why they built those rail lines out there. I have heard this and seen this somewhere else and I cannot recollect it. They talk about, “The greening of the deserts: Signals a turning of an age.”
Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of the article. All these events that you've just seen presented here are called Atmospheric Compression Events. These will be the new vocabulary words that will become common in spoken words around the water cooler, as we move forward into 2019 and 2020.
PDF of this Article Atmosphere Compresses & Deserts Bloom as Both Hemispheres Break Record Cold
FULL VIDEO Atmosphere Compresses & Deserts Bloom as Both Hemispheres Break Record Cold
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