Cooler Global Temperatures Affecting Corporations

Lennox Air Conditioner company earnings fall 9% due to cooler than normal conditions in the USA and higher precipitation. That goes against the claims of hottest year ever. Greenland temperature monitoring equipment maintained by the DMI malfunctioned giving erroneous heat spike over the ice cap, media ran with the story but never followed up when the difference as corrected showing dropping temperatures.



Cooler Global Temperatures Affecting Corporations

This video was originally published 14/9/2019

Armstrong Economics off CNBC reported: “Lenox Air Conditioner Manufacturer Cites Colder Temperatures for Decline in Sales.” It was stated in this report that a 9% decline in earnings were observed due to significantly cooler temperatures and higher precipitation across the US.


This is diametrically opposite of “Global Warming” in terms of reported numbers describing the real occurrences in corporate America, compared to what is being reported in the corporate media.


Number of cooling degree days was also talked about, and Christian at Ice Age Farmer provides an interactive county-by-county, state-by-state feature on this, where you can see the extent at which this has affected agriculture.


Moving on, the reported decline of 9% below analysts’ consensus in the Texas-based company during their second quarter earnings is going to affect the revenue growth for 2019 as well.


This was quickly followed by a 3.3% drop in the share price according to CNBC. Some deeper analysis reveals that the HVAC market was adversely affected, especially in key central regions where cooling degree days were down over 30%.



This press release was by Todd Bluedorn, the Lennox International Chairman and CEO, yet, the corporate media is out there insisting that this is the warmest year ever. It does not seem to be in the United States, does it?

Wrap-up of the key points from the CNBC article in the third bullet is very interesting. “The guidance cut comes after a heat wave swept through the United States. June was the hottest on record.”


They even put out Gavin Schmidt's tweet regarding GISS.



Compared to what Dr. Roy Spencer put out the chart (ABOVE) on the right side is the GISS temperature data set is just screaming northward, with no break nor pullback.

Then when you look at the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) data set, something very different can be easily spotted.  They keep on pointing at June temperatures, but as can be seen, not even one-half a degree Celsius above the baseline could be observed. Corporate media this year has been all about keeping it under 2 degrees, and they have been saying that for 30 years. Now, we are only at half-a-degree (0.5C not 2.0C), which is a clear indication that there is something amiss. That step down in temperature is forecast to continue downward as we get into this Grand Solar Minimum.


There is a serious disconnect between science and the narratives pushed by corporate media and the IPCC.



I also saw this story last month about catastrophic ice loss in Greenland in a single day. After which, it was revealed that, that was a result of  malfunctioning monitoring equipment.


Our corporate media quickly picked up on that, and ice loss was widely reported. Sadly, they did not report the ice recovery after recalibrated monitoring equipment came back online and fixed the erroneous results. These results of the shocking August temperature of between 2.7 and 4.7 degrees Celsius on the summit, was from the Danish Meteorological Institute, DMI.



To correct their erroneous data, they put out a tweet and quoted: “By combining measurements with observations from other weather stations, DMI has now estimated that the temperature was -2 degrees Celsius.” And that is a huge step away from record temperatures on Greenland. But, just the same, the pullback and the reversal of data after the errors were made was not heard in the news.



In the meantime, what is going on with Amazon deforestation and wild fires? The fires were said to be the all-time biggest ever. The deforestation reports, however, stated that 1995 and 2004 had the most deforestation, and the 2019 deforestation is at its lowest level since 1988. The fires should be in sync with deforestation, shouldn’t they?



I guess the narratives continue unchecked. At least now we have the ‘harvest mouse’ bringing us to what will be remembered as the ‘harvest season of infamy’, as we get through the end of 2019 and into 2020.



Seriously though, these recent events are warnings that global corporate media is not going to tell you about the real reasons for changes in our weather, because their funding will dry up. Thus, Bill Porter and I decided to offer you a detailed analysis on how you can better understand and prepare for these changes in our book Climate Revolution.



Climate Revolution is a ‘must read’ for the understanding of our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations.


NEW ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution


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If you like more of this type of Grand Solar Minimum Preparedness content, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day and the ADAPT 2030 video series on YouTube.



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FULL VIDEO Cooler Global Temperatures Affecting Corporations


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*** Today’s Story Links ***


Lenox Air Conditioner Manufacturer Cites Colder Temperatures for Decline in Sales

How the Media Help to Destroy Rational Climate Debate

Global temperature analysis

UAH Global Temperature Update for August, 2019: +0.38 deg. C

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2019: +0.47 deg. C UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2019: +0.47 deg. C

Amazon fire comparison×314.jpg

Harvest mouse

Greenland’s ‘Record Temperature’ denied – the data was wrong


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