So many newspapers across the planet writing about unprecedented Greenland Ice Melt and the lowest ever Arctic Sea Ice. Lets delve into each of these claims by the main stream publications and how close to reality they are factually, or is it a cycle we are seeing in the climate.
The Real Story of Greenland Ice Melt June 2019
This video was originally published 16/6/2019
This is where it started; a tweet from Eric Holthaus that says, “This has not happened before.”.
Even CNN showing this increasing vertical trend of ice loss in Greenland.
This is why I am glad that Robert Rohde put this into perspective and overlaid multiple years of ice loss on top of that “scariest graph” of Greenland Surface Ice Melt Extent that is circulating, for comparison.
Let’s set the record straight, during a Grand Solar Minimum, it is expected that the summer heat spikes will be intense; but then, on either side of summer, it is going to be incredibly cold, with higher snowfalls and lower temperatures, just like what we saw last year.
Of course, CNN decided to snatch the story and pen the headline “Greenland Lost 2 Billion Tons of Ice This Week Which is Very Unusual.” However, you notice that even in their own article, they quoted Thomas Mote, a Greenland climate scientist from the University of Georgia, “It's unusual, but not unprecedented.” So, where is the story? Are they just desperate to sell newspapers and get clicks?
Also, in an article from stuff New Zealand stating “although a few other years showed a similar mid-June melting”. Again, what is your point? Then further down, it says, “A big dome of high pressure positioned itself over Greenland, resulting in sunny skies and mild temperatures”, but with no graphics to support their statement. This is arrogance. They are acting as if they are beyond reproach and that they expect us to just listen and believe any information they throw, even without any evidence.
So, I took the liberty to look for some graphics of the high pressure that they referenced to in the article that they were not able to produce. Like I said before, you really need to do your own research for information like this. Carlos Ramirez pointed out the same high-pressure system, which they claimed to be unprecedented, but seemed to have forgotten what occurred in 2007and in 2012; and if we go further back in history, it was
there again during the 1930s and the 1920s.
If you are interested in climate cycles, I suggest you look at 2012 and 2007 to see what you should expect moving into the future, a glimpse of the amplification in the Grand Solar Minimum.
This talk about unprecedented Greenland melting in June should not mislead you. Shown below is data from Polar Portal regarding the surface condition of melt mass in the Arctic.
The top chart is 2018-2019 and the bottom chart is 2011-2012. The higher the blue line, the more gain there is; and anything below the zero point represents melt. Notice where the drop-off is. Do you think it was steeper in 2018-2019 than in 2011-2012?
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