(MIAC PODCAST #228) What Will be Forgotten or Rewritten During Unstable Times 2020-2030

DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discusses energetic changes on Earth as the Sun moves into its 400-year cycle affecting crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is an energetic timeline for what you can expect from now to 2023.

  • Perception of the narrative is more valuable than the monetary equivalent
  • Cliff dwellings globally
  • Where were there millions of Dolmens planet wide?
  • Solar Magnetic fields causing a Grand Solar Minimum
  • Solar Cycle 25 Earth goes into Global Cooling
  • Using smart contracts for future food and supply chain payments
  • Building global awareness for cryptocurrency to start the conversion process
  • How much global data was lost in the last 100 years
  • Look for Kambalni eruption
  • Moving plant species to new hardiness zones to continue global agriculture
  • Persistent worldwide cold brings breadbasket concerns

ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution Book  

ADAPT 2030 YouTube Channel 

ADAPT 2030 Podcast 

ADAPT 2030 & My Patriot Supply