5G Disrupts Weather Forecasts, Europe Record Snow

5G will disrupt the ability to forecast weather due to the fact that it mimics the signature of water vapour, so forecasters wont know 5G signature from real weather fronts. UK breaks cold temperature record back to 1841, and Europe record snow in five countries first week of May 2019.




5G Disrupts Weather Forecasts, Europe Record Snow

This video was originally published 6/5/2019

As of this moment May in the UK will be set as the month with the coldest temperatures, since 1841. Is this a result of Global Warming?



The number of areas across the UK to have set new records will be verified within the next 12 hours. This new record includes Scotland.


Who would have thought that in May, UK would be receiving this much snow? The Global Warming crowd is saying that this is due to the evaporating oceans. I think they should review the El Niño phenomenon in 1998. It was warmer back then so we should have seen record snow and record cold as well during that time, but we did not.



Additionally, snow forecast caught everybody off guard in Scotland. They were told it was going to be a warm and balmy spring, then a few minutes before the snowstorm came, the alerts came out. I wonder why they had to wait until the last second to tell everybody that it was going to get cold and snowy.


We have seen that routinely again and again. When it is about an out of season storm, they wait until the very last second before they warn the citizens. I think they do not want to give you time to analyze why the IPCC forecasts are not coming to fruition.



These are some of the amazing scenes during that event in the highlands of Scotland.



Moreover, from ELECTROVERSE, Chicago’s snowiest since 1982; Lake Superior with incredible water levels, record high for this month; and then Switzerland with record snowfall.



If it is snowing in the UK, what is happening in Switzerland? They had new snowfall record of 7.5 inches, while the old record was 4.7 inches. So, as you notice, this again is not just slightly over the record, it smashed the record.


This seem to be the case every time we hear records that are being broken. It is not just eclipsing by just a sliver, a tenth perhaps of an inch, or something. Rather, it is nearly in the doubling range.



These are some more images of snowfall at 3,000 feet elevation, which at this time of the year, is very low to be receiving snow. 


This situation is not limited to just Switzerland or the UK, Slovakia as well. I know this is in the mountains, but you have to realize that the snowfalls are feet-deep, and it is the month of May.



Also, in Hungary, look at that snow on the vegetation. The top image on the right is an orchard. This is where the snow is, and luckily, the snow will not do too much damage. But the frigid temperatures associated with this front will kill the buds or the flowers that are already on those trees.



Snowfall was also observed in a 300-meter elevation in Italy. That is less than a thousand feet, an incredibly rare event. In fact, the news is raving about how rare this is.



Then, a 600-meter elevation in Trento with a snowfall record again. These areas are setting new snow records for this day.



Look at the before and after images. Observe how quickly this front dumped this much snow. This is really a good indication of how our weather systems are shifting in this Grand Solar Minimum / magnetic pole reversal.



If those are the snowfalls you see in a lower elevation, check how deep the snowfalls are in a little bit higher elevation. It is in multiple feet, around 3 feet up in northern Italy, in the Alps.



But this, I think, has to be the picture of the day. The stunning Bolzano in Italy, morning after the snowstorms.



Finally, let me tell you about 5G for a while. We have heard so much about this as it has started to unveil in cities. However, they are saying now that this is going to jam satellites that help in weather forecasting. So, here they are, they are already telling you, this early, that they are not going to be able to forecast correctly. Meaning, if any of these out of season storms come in, they will just say, “We did not know it was coming.” and blame it to 5G.


Now, when The Guardian, a mainstream publication in the global corporate media comes out saying that this will likely disrupt delicate satellite instruments, then we are facing a very serious problem. Weather forecasters’ ability to predict major storms will absolutely be affected.



I am not sure of how much they can give except what they are telling you right now. But they are not going to be able to predict correctly anymore because the analogy and unpredictability of our weather can be blamed on something else, 5G.


The article continues and it said that this is going to compromise the ability to forecast major storms because 5G may transmit a frequency that is near or similar to water vapor. This means that the frequency is making it appear that there is water vapor everywhere.


This will interfere with their ability to really see the water vapor coming. As a result, they will not be able to forecast a storm. Very convenient indeed. They could just say, “It is not our fault. We did not issue warnings because we did not know it was coming.”



With all these emergencies and out of season weather that can disrupt the supply chain, as well as your ability to get to store to buy food, how prepared are you with your emergency food storage?


Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.


PDF of this Article 5G Disrupts Weather Forecasts, Europe Record Snow

FULL VIDEO 5G Disrupts Weather Forecasts, Europe Record Snow


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

UK May Snowfall

5G signal could jam satellites that help with weather forecasting

Switzerland record snowfall


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