Record Heat Record & Snow in the Eye of the Earth

Unusual hook in the atmosphere over the USA, Europe and the Atlantic, so strange the jet streams have created an eye formation over a part of our planet. Ice still left on Lake Erie with late season ice in 2019. Marquette Michigan sets record for longest streak of days under 60F, at 199 days, and Western Australia breaks all time cold record days in April.



Record Heat Record & Snow in the Eye of the Earth

This video was originally published 24/4/2019

Eye on the Earth formed by jet streams over the Atlantic Ocean.



Also, Ryan Maue pointing out that there is a super chilled hooking weather system in April with divergent temperatures in Grand Rapids, Michigan had a temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit, while the Upper Peninsula, including Marquette chilly with temperature that was in the 30’s.


Marquette a really cool spot up on the border of Canada, but the interesting thing is Marquette, Michigan has broken the all-time cold-weather record, but not in terms of the actual lowest temperature ever but in terms of the most number of days below 60F.



It started October 3rd 2018 and continued through April 2019. According to National Weather Service, Marquette, April 19th was the 197th consecutive day with temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. It is near 200 days now. This breaks the old record of 196 consecutive days of cold set in 1970.


There are definitely a lot of activity going on causing these records from the 1970s to be broken. I wondered if this has anything to do with solar activity, so I pulled this graph of Recent Sunspot Activity. The chart shows sunspot cycles from 1900 until the present day. We are currently on the far right of the chart, entering solar cycle 25. We just exited solar cycle 24, and if we go back in time, on the left of the chart, we can see one of the lowest solar activity cycles was in the1970’s, which seem to be a match-up of today’s cooler temperatures.  



If these are indeed a match-ups, and we are heading into a Grand Solar Minimum that will bring us back 400 years in terms of weather events’ intensity, you will hear about the once in a 100-year storm or a once in a 200-year event every single storm in the 2020’s.



You might want to start looking for signs. As for me, I have always been pointing to Hudson Bay, the Great Lakes, the Arctic, and Greenland Ice to see if they are showing some anomalies such as ice gains in some areas that should not. For example, Betsy King from WKYC Weather wrote, “Can you believe it, there's still ice on Lake Erie.” That is indeed unusual because, we are approaching May and that is a shallow lake compared to Lake Superior, which is incredibly deep, so it should have melted by now.



This chart shown below is the Easter Sunday Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System. The areas that have smudges of black on the map mean that there is ice still in the lakes. So, really late ice for Lake Erie.



So, I checked the Great Lakes Ice Service and luckily, they even had a match-up from 2017, 2018, and 2019. The right graph is in 2017, and as shown, this day in 2017 is completely ice-free. In 2018, we have a smidgen of ice in the far northeast corner. Now, look at how much ice gained in 2019 for the same day.



Meanwhile, I had several family members going out to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for Easter, so I asked them if they evacuated the beaches, since we were told that the ocean levels are supposed to rise. There are supposed to be no coastal cities left, and you cannot even go to the beaches to see the lighthouses because of all the melting ice.


They had picnic on the beach.


None of the environmental predictions of the last 45 years have come true. It was said then that we are supposed to be at 3 or 4 degrees Celsius above baseline temperatures; and the Antarctic is supposed to have melted raising sea levels by 3 to 6 feet due to runaway global warming. Instead, they had a nice picnic on the beach.



On top of that, West Australia is breaking all the coldest records back to the 1970’s. In the 1970’s, many Australian temperature stations started taking measurements, hence the frequent reference to 1970’s and not prior. This smashed the all-time record for the day in April, but again the stations were set in the 70s.


Even going back just a single week, this is what the fields for planting looked like in Nebraska. Warmer temperatures reached some parts of Nebraska, but I wanted to show this picture because a week does not make that much of a difference.



The snow might be gone in many places, but the ground temperatures are still very cold and wet, so you cannot plant seed in the ground. I think that they have to wait until after May 15th, at the erliest, before they can be able to plant in so many locations across Nebraska, and Iowa as well.


“Anxious to get some sunshine.” I agree. I wonder when the snow will finally melt off after this record snowfall across so many places in the Northern Hemisphere in 2019.



Regardless of what is happening with the failed predictions of the IPCC and Global Warming crowds across the planet, these changes are real, but they are based on the Sun’s activity, and it is going to get so much more intense than you can possibly imagine, as time passes 2021 is when the first food shortages will be felt in some parts of the world; 2023-2024 is going to get heavier, and the whole world will have woken up by 2022.


Are you prepared for such emergencies, in terms of your food sources, food supplies, and food storage?


Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go throughout your day.


PDF of this Article Record Heat Record & Snow in the Eye of the Earth

FULL VIDEO Record Heat Record & Snow in the Eye of the Earth


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