North Korea Food Shortage: Is It a Grand Solar Minimum Pattern?


New report North Korea facing extreme food shortages due to drought and bad harvests. Citizens are limited to 11 ounces of cabbage and rice per day as rations. Mexico becomes a huge food importer as China also scours the globe in search of staples. A look at soil cubes and easy vegetables to grow.




North Korea Food Shortage: Is It a Grand Solar Minimum Pattern?

This video was originally published 4/5/2019

I am sure that you are familiar about North Korea through the news but let me bring your attention to its border with China. That area is Heilongjiang, a province of China. This particular area goes offline every single Grand Solar Minimum, as seen through history. At this moment, they are starting to see crop production reductions due to cold weather, dust storms, and droughts that are affecting this area.


This image, on the other hand, came out through the state media in North Korea. Those fields look really nice. There is a plentiful harvest in those amazing looking fields. Those who have grown those are really commendable in the eyes of the party.



However, the reality is, North Korea is now facing food crisis due to poor harvest. Please understand that they had spent the last four years together with hundreds of millions of dollars to repurpose and repair food infrastructure inside their nation. They upgraded seeds, rebuilt irrigation canals, purchased new machinery, but nature is much more powerful than even what the technology upgrades could offer.


As you know, technology upgrades are being implemented across the planet right now, not only in North Korea, to increase food production, but then, nature always wins. In fact, our harvest this year is termed as the worst harvest in a decade globally.


Citizens of North Korea are now being reduced down to 300 grams or just a little bit under 11 ounces, a little bit less than a pound of food for an entire day. There is really no protein in this, just mainly kimchi, the national staple food across South and North Korea, including rice. So, imagine trying to live on a pound of pickled cabbage and rice per day. You are not going to get much done because of caloric deficit.



In the meantime, this is the map that I drew in 2017 (BELOW), These are the areas I predicted to go offline. As of this moment, this is already starting to match-up with previous GSM losses. My forecast is, we will start to see the first food global shortages in 2021. That will rattle the markets, and when we get to 2023, governments are going to be on the streets with their police forces to mitigate civil unrest all based on food prices.



Continuing through the rest of the article, they tried to put causation with practically, nothing. They are just trying to grab for excuses to explain this event, so they blamed it on a combination of dry spells, heat waves, and flooding for this new crisis. Of course, the US State Department is going to blame the government, but they spent almost four years to upgrade their entire agricultural infrastructures, with hundreds of millions in loans. They used that money to upgrade the irrigation canals, get new machinery, new seeds, etc., it just did not work.


Now, the wild card in all of this is the magnetic pole reversal that is ongoing. The left side of the chart below is where we are right now. And if you look at the right image, you can see how much the poles migrated in the last 15 years. I have been raked over the coals for not pointing out and trying to incorporate the Grand Solar Minimum with this magnetic pole reversal. I did take a further look and delve much deeper on these, with some assistance from others. Now, the question is, is this the onset of the Grand Solar Minimum, or is it the effects from this magnetic pole reversal on the magnetosphere, showing the same things that are expected from an intensifying Grand Solar Minimum? Because if these are truly due to intensifying Grand Solar Minimum, then this is going to amplify further and even faster than any forecast that we have seen so far. Regardless of whether the onset or the official start is in solar cycle 25 or solar cycle 26, these are the same conversations that we are going to be having in another decade. All the effects seem to be more pronounced and are happening right at this second, so why do not we start the conversations now?


So, I took the liberty to put out the map of the magnetic north pole migration, and also where it would be heading to. If we look over Asia, it is going to head through Siberia, east of Chukchi Peninsula, and also down through eastern Asia.



A new report has also came out in relation with crop production in the US. A decrease in corn production of as much as 34% in the United States is being pegged in excessive rainfall. Their comment on this is interesting. They said the quantified new data allowed them to know the impact of excessive rainfall with yield losses on a continental scale. So, let us take North America for an example. We already saw all-time record floods smashing through all the corn growing and agricultural belts from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and then down the Mississippi. Flooding was everywhere during that time.


Also, this one here should be another wake-up call, Declaration of Condition for Force Majeure at Corn and Soybean Shipping Stations due to massive, all time-record flooding along the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers that absolutely stopped cold Load-out possibilities. So, the previous new report is pegging that excessive rainfall depletes and decreases corn yields, well here we are, this is the all-time, biggest floods ever recorded in the United States. What do you think is going to happen with the corn production this year?



And over to AgsPlayers, Kazakhstan grain production is expected to be flat this year. Please note that Kazakhstan was pointed as one of the saviors of the planet, but then China quickly swooped in and bought every single kilogram that comes out of their production for a decade in advance. As a result, nobody else can buy it. Also, Brazil exports soya beans to Mexico. Now, Mexico is being rather smart about it. They know that the Grand Solar Minimum is here, they know exactly what is coming, so now they are going to become a major food importer inside North America. Stockpiling all the way.



Also, thanks for the comments and asking for suggestions regarding some possible solutions to food shortages. Let’s start with soil cubes. I foresee something like the image below to be very helpful in the future. It is some sort of Nescafe-type easiness to allow an average person to do some home gardening. This is a little soil pack is full of seed. You can just drop this in the ground, then water. This is termed as “soil blocks”. This is a great idea, if you can compress these, put the seed in it and get it sprouted, then the actual block can be transplanted. It is something far different compared to putting everything in small tiny trays and then try to bring them out as starters. It is a completely different idea, literally like Nescafe, but for plant growth. This is the ease we will need so that everybody can adopt a plant growing lifestyle. If we are going to come back to the Victory Garden, like what we saw in the United States in the 1940’s, it is going to take a little more work and time.


This is another one, okra. I have to agree that this is an incredibly easy crop to grow. It is very nutritious and similar to aloe vera lubrication with so many nutritional benefits. This is not a medical advice though; I am just encouraging you to check it out. This has a well-known documented record in terms of micronutrients, as well as vitamin content. I also mention that its flowers are beautiful and that they do attract bees?


Look at this image taken over in Lagos, the kids there growing sweet potatoes and corn. This is exactly what we should implement in every schooling system across the United States. The yields that they are getting out of the school yard! Every single available empty lot of our country should be utilized for food growing, and this must be taught to all generations, as early as this age up to 65. However, if you are 65 years old and you do not know how to grow food, if not, you need to learn now to be able to help your grandchildren.



You now know what is happening in Asia, particularly in North Korea; we have floods decimating agriculture in the United States; and then freeze outs happening in Europe decimating fruit production. This is a wisp, a taste of what is coming and what is going to amplify. You really need to start thinking about your own food security. You should not rely on your government to do that for you, because you should be responsible for it yourself.


Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.


PDF of this Article Record River Floods: USA Grain Prices Spike as Reality Sets In


FULL VIDEO Record River Floods: USA Grain Prices Spike as Reality Sets In


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says;_ylt=AwrXoCCXd81cTSwAygrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTEydDQ1dnIzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDQjc2MTZfMQRzZWMDc3I-
USA – Excessive rainfall as damaging to corn yield as extreme heat, drought
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