All time record floods along the Arkansas River and Mississippi, these records extend back 150 years. Farmers WILL not get the crops in the ground, so they will need to WET PLANT to be able to claim US govt crop insurance. USDA raised non plantable acres from 4 million to 13 million which sent a tidal wave through the futures markets, over 50% of traders reversed their short positions to long, expect huge price shifts in commodities moving forward. NEW ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution e-book is now available through
Record River Floods: USA Grain Prices Spike as Reality Sets In
This video was originally published 31/5/2019
Mail Online had to be the publication that included the most images on their reports about the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers that are setting to rise to record levels across the Midwest USA. People in those areas are now bracing themselves for more rain and record floods, as the Arkansas River is expected to reach an all-time record height that can break levees. In like manner, the number of cities flooded during the Mississippi River cresting at 44 feet in St. Louis was too much. They are just praying that this will not overtop into storage facilities that were not flooded during the first, second, third, and now, the fourth floods. This type of event seems to never end this year. To date, it is now on its 4.0 iteration of massive floods.
The image below shows what remained in areas that were ‘slightly’ flooded, across Oklahoma and Iowa, all the way to the Mississippi River.
Record from the National Weather Service may help you put this to context. The R’s represents projected crest of a new record flood that has never been seen in more than 150 years of record-keeping.
These areas include Van Buren, Ozark, Dardanelle, Morrilton, Toad Suck and Pendleton. If you are in any of those areas, including Little Rock and Pine Bluff, that were also marked as major flood areas, expect a record flood and other calamities that come with it.
There will surely be levee breaches, so you should start taking precautions. You should pack everything now because you may need to evacuate. Have your cars and emergency supplies ready, because this is going to be swift; and you will have a very little warning if there is a levee break.
Additionally, a couple of days ago, Cheyenne inches deep in hail, devastating agricultural areas. This massive disruption of agriculture this year is in every crop growing zone, from central Canada, to Canadian border area, to central US, and North America.
I wish I could stress enough the impact of these events to consumers like you. I have been talking about this for years now. These types of expected events will cause our food prices to skyrocket, which will also affect the economy.
If food prices double or triple, people are going to pull their money out from somewhere else in the economy, and this is in fact is already in play. I hope this article will serve as a guide for you. Also, please remember that if you are paying one fifth of one eighth of a percent of attention across the futures market, and if you follow financial news, there is a gargantuan shift happening, just like in this article entitled, “Grain markets shorts brace themselves for history-making event.” Now, when it says ‘history-making event’ in a financial publication, you must stop and read that article twice.
This is what happened as transpired in the article. The USDA originally put their forecasts out and said there would be 4 million acres that would not be planted in America due to flooding. Now, however, they just changed that to 13 million acres, literally three times higher than what they had forecast. As an effect, for everybody who was out on a short position, which means who thought that price of grains was going to fall, specifically corn, more than half the traders reversed in a single day. This is why this much shifting from net short to net long price spikes are inevitable.
There are also daily reports off agriCENSUS that you need to check out. I do not have a link for this because you need to sign up for their news feed to find this, meaning you really have to do your own research. For this morning though, these are the market commentaries. First, “Wheat: Weather rally pushes futures back over 5 dollars per bushel.” This was over the weekend, rallying 3%, and it continued upward today. Another is “Corn: Fresh bout of profit-taking…” which, as we have seen, had reverse shorts.
Then, soybean futures are up 3% again on Friday’s close. The topics, as you can notice, are all about planting, which brings me to the next point I want to discuss.
There is something very unusual with the reports on the progress of planting going on. I have heard a first-hand account regarding this, which I am going to share, after I show you what the market makers are reporting in the financial news. We can then compare this from a first-hand report of someone who has been driving through these same flooded field areas.
The analysis on the field work from agriCENSUS says that Tuesday's crop report varied wildly, where corn plantings are expected to be 59 to 65% complete, over the 49% that they reported a week ago.
That is a huge jump, considering that the fields are saturated. The same report is seen with soybeans, which are said to be up to 25 to 36% complete, versus the 19% that was reported last week. Then at the bottom paragraph it was stated that, “Some analysts are saying the current crop is going to be the worst in more than 100 years, with more than 10% of the acreage lost due to sodden ground.” Remember, ‘sodden ground’ means wet, and this is the condition in the United States.
In contrast, the screen grab below shows a first-hand account sent to me by Jeff Young. I hope you will take a minute to read that through. This took place in a countryside west of Iowa City where he recounted his observations of fields that were underwater and were not yet planted due to continuous rain.
He refuted what the AG report says every Saturday, because he could not figure out how in a week and a half, the percentage of corn went from 33 to 73% planted, and soybeans went from 3 to 35%. He said that he usually drives 30 miles to work and he has not seen new fields that were planted. He also purposely went for a long drive on Saturday, but still, no new fields have been planted.
They have more rain in western Iowa, but in a week or so, 40% of the state's corn went in; and the southern part of the state was mostly planted at that time. But, in a ten-mile radius of where he was, he said that not one new field has been planted.
Apart from his personal experience, he also asked a farmer he work with, who has only 60 of 240 acres in. According to Jeff, his co-worker said that he will consider ‘wet planting’ in order to get the crop insurance from the US government. This means that the seed has to be on the ground, and it does not matter if the seed will not germinate. He is going to ‘wet plant’, if he cannot get in by the 3rd of June. Jeff concluded that by the looks of the weekend’s forecast, they will indeed be ‘wet planting’.
So, as you can see, there is a huge disconnect between what the financial news says and what is happening on the ground. In my opinion, they are trying not to spook people, because if that was truly the situation, that more than 13 million acres are not planted, then we are looking into a substantial amount of American food that will not come in this year.
As you know, Canada is barely better off, and everywhere around the planet is also experiencing delayed planting. Look over in Europe and what is happening in the Ural Mountains, it is cooler and wetter than normal. I am stating now; our global food production this year is going to be substantially reduced.
These price increases that are already in play at 3% or 4% are nothing compared to what the price rises are going to be as we move forward.
This Grand Solar Minimum event is brought about by the Sun and Earth’s weakening magnetic field, yet the mainstream media does not want to talk about this, because like they said, “The science is settled, Galileo!” They are the earliest deniers.
The Sun is responsible for the climate on our planet, and it is shifting into a 400-year cooling cycle, an event that we have not seen before. They talked about this in the 1600’s though, during the Maunder Minimum. I say, perhaps we should listen to our ancestors, to know what the future holds for us, because the corporate media is not going to do it.
You are on your own. You have to do your own research, and you can start with the links I left at the end of this article.
Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you would like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go throughout your day.
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