Harvard Solar Geoengineering Research Program is Now Public

I do actually give credit to Nature for putting this at the bottom of the article. Jeff, great writing on this one. “Not talking about geoengineering is the greatest mistake we can make right now.” and I absolutely agree.

This is an extinction level event in play.



Solar Geoengineering Research Program is now public


They're finally bringing it to the public. They've told you for years and years that it wasn't happening, they even accused anyone who believed or spoke about this as a conspiracy theorist. Now, it’s happening, what will the corporate media say now? Arctic ice is increasing, NASA reports prove that while they’ve told you for years the Arctic Ice was going to decrease and then now, they're saying the Arctic Ice is increasing due to Global Warming.


The narrative is shifting to everything cold now, but humans are still responsible, and taxable.



What they need to do now is measure how aerosols alter stratospheric chemistry and create global models on how large-scale geoengineering possibly disrupts stratospheric ozone. Ozone is the least of our worries if the stratosphere gets disrupted in any way, shape or form. The pattern that it is in now is bad enough with the jetstreams shifting due to a weakening magnetosphere from our Sun going into a 400-year quiet period.


Now academics are telling you directly that putting these aerosols up there can alter the hydrological cycle on large-scale implementation. You're going to see a year without a summer. Go back and check out the Tambora eruption circa 1815-1817, when they had years without a summer. Then see how little food they could grow for three years after that eruption.


If they put an enormous amount of Sun blocking particulates up there and something goes wrong, say they doubled the amount that should have been put up there and it takes years for that to balance back out. These are Harvard’s ready excuses, their preemptive solution. During those years however, we cannot grow crops on the planet. During those years’ billions of people will die.



The article finally winds up with Geoengineers are here to help us, those experiments and models are one set of work /results and very useful but they really need to see what's happening on the ground and make the rest of the observations in the real environment. So let's take a look at the real environment.


I'm going to take you back 11,900 years ago. We are at the far right in the graph, the more you move to the right of the graph, you’re moving into the future. To the left is where we were, in terms of warming and cooling. That spike at the very bottom at -1.4 there is where our Earth was coming out of the Younger Dryas Era, back up to the heat spike where temperatures were 3 degrees Celsius warmer than today, eight thousand years ago. Then you can see the successive heat spikes as we move forward. We are way at the very bottom.



This whole thing about the runaway Global Warming is an absolute farce, when you start looking at where our planet has been over the last 8,000 years. We are continuing downward into the end of the interstadial / interglacial. Now, how much cooler will it get before it flips over into something that we haven't seen in 18,000 or 20,000 years? Who knows, but the trend is downward, and IPCC scientists argue with this.


This is the Greenland Ice Core data set, the same data set used to prove Global Warming, but it proves Global Cooling for thousands of years. Interesting how the corporate media always locks us into only using the Satellite Era or that we can only use 1880’s data after we were exiting out of the Dalton Grand Solar Minimum and it started to warm again on the planet. This is a natural warming and cooling cycle on the planet.

We are going back into a 400-year low in solar activity. Sunspot activity is diminishing, solar activity is diminishing and our weather patterns are changing due to the Jetstream shifting as our magnetosphere weakens. The forecast is for extreme cold beginning now to the point of global crop shortages by 2028 according to Valentina Zharkova who is one of the leading heads of research on the planet about canceling magnetic wave fields in the Sun. She, along with so many astrophysicists are saying that we are going into a Global Cooling period, but now Harvard wants to start spraying the skies. They're going to hijack the cold. When you see NASA and NOAA starting to talk about cold, you know the whole thing is going to be hijacked.



(BELOW) In addition, Atlantic water temperatures are cooling on a regular 60-year cycle, warm / cold / warm known as the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation (AMO). When the Atlantic goes cold, generally, Europe gets cooler and the Northern Hemisphere gets cooler because the Northern Hemisphere follows water temperatures off the Atlantic.


So we have a Grand Solar Minimum going cold and also the Atlantic going cold, but now Harvard needs to spray the planet to try to make the planet “cooler”?



Don't tell anybody, but we just had two years of record-breaking Global Cooling. Inconvenient Science: NASA data showing the global temperatures dropped. So I guess NASA is a global warming denier.



(BELOW) I overlaid these two charts here, the yellow arrows are the same exact same points in time. The yellow arrows point to a start at three-tenths of a degree below the Satellite Era averaged temperatures and they don't look like they're runaway to me. This is only a very small snippet of time 1979 to the present day, just a couple of decades.



Take a look at these U.K summer temperatures, we were told that we are to be up to 5 ½ degrees Celsius hotter by 2070, while winters will be up to 4 degrees Celsius warmer. This is because of all of the CO2 in the atmosphere. So it is supposed to be hotter, hotter and hotter. This graphic is the summer mean temperature from 1910 to 2018 in the UK, a 100+ year data set, but where is the runaway heat spikes that we were supposed to see? Even from 2010 look at the drop in temperature, there was even more CO2 in the atmosphere then. When we look at longer-term trends, a hundred years gives you a better indication than 40 years. We are not warming.


These apparently, did not convince the Fourth National Climate Assessment from the US government. Not even a peep about the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum or Global Cooling from 2019 to 2035 is talked about. The forecast shown is due to decreasing solar activity.


Although, they do talk about Climate Engineering and Geoengineering for the benefits of the challenges of climate intervention. Now you have government bodies weighing in to say they want to do Geoengineering. This is not just an accident that this is coming out publicly. It's a plan.



Governments are going to need to explain the cooling, this is it. I was trying to figure out how they would switch the narrative, because there's more Sea Ice, more snow, cooler temperatures etc…., and here it is, this is how they're going to switch the narrative on you. They're going to say the Geoengineering is working, that's why the planet is cooling. I encourage you to check out the Harvard Solar Geoengineering Research Program. I linked it below. Seriously though, Frank, you should think about your species.



Man Made Vs Nature. This is what we are destined for. That banker on the left, how much do you think he'll sell that one green plant for? Do you think your food is going to cost more money when they do this experiment? I'm going to say, yes. They're going to milk the population for every last penny and then they're going to let you eat each other.


It was also said that the only permanent solution to Climate Change is reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but greenhouse gas emissions aren't causing climate change, the Sun is. Let's stay on that point. They tell us to stop burning fossil fuel but neglect that we've had patents for Electrogravitics to produce clean electricity for 70 years now.



Take a look at Otis Carr’s anti-gravity model. Those two discs spin in different directions.


Once they reach around 1,400 rpms, they create a weightlessness effect and at the same time they discharge electricity. Free electricity.



Understand that the actual current generated to push these magnetic motors is coming from outside the Earth's magnetic field. It's even originating from outside the Sun and our Solar System from our galaxy.


Nothing is free energy. The base charge is coming from elsewhere, in the spiral arm of our galaxy.


Nonetheless, the end result is a mechanism using magnetism from the Earth, where we don't have to burn anything. They've had this for decades, half a century, but we still don't use it.


What about this suppressed technology? These patents we have from Nikola Tesla are more than a hundred years in the closet, unused. Magnetic motors using the Earth's magnetic grid to produce power, wireless electricity where we wouldn't have to burn anything. Free power for the masses. Minimal cost, minimal infrastructure.


We need to spray the planet’s skies to cool Earth according to a fictitious CO2 boogeyman.



Meanwhile, we've moved from everything free into everything you have to pay for. To counter geoengineering and in order to reduce carbon from our planet, why don’t we put artificial trees which need electricity and heat?


These will remove carbon from our planet. How long do you think will these trees remove all the carbon out of its manufacturing, transportation and installation process?



Not to mention, we could just plant trees, the real ones, with those green things called leaves that soak up CO2. If we are truly at the point where we're talking about dimming the skies in some kind of bizarre world cartoon experiment, why don’t we have a Manhattan-style project, to put trees on every square inch of our earth to absorb the CO2?



Why are they not talking about massive re-greening of our planet, and when I say “massive”, I mean government sponsored employment. Then everybody who is unemployed will get a job planting trees across the planet, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Everywhere on the planet gets completely resurfaced with trees, instead of spraying our skies that could runaway into a global famine with huge population reductions.



So you really do need to ask yourself, why are they not talking about reforestation as the first option? Replanting used to be a big thing back in the 70s, but now nobody talks about it.


What everyone’s talking about now is something from a factory that can help us take all the CO2 out of the air, like this is a carbon dioxide removal /capture unit. How much difference does that really make in the atmosphere, I bet that thing couldn’t even pull CO2 out of that valley even with all those trees. This is how they want to divert your tax dollars.



Governments will be asking for money to pay for this one, Ground-based albedo modification (GBAM). They want to create whitening roofs to use on land and on glaciers. How much square surface space would you have to produce in a factory, no less, to reflect sunlight and have any kind of results? Even if you make a square mile of this, that would have no result at all, that would do nothing for the Global Albedo effect.


The irony is “planners” are telling us that they’re going to use a factory to produce thousands of square miles of this material which requires electricity, heat and transportation for this to be installed somewhere. You're talking about reducing CO2, yet you're creating more CO2 as a solution! This is insanity in itself.


If you want to cover something, cover it with trees. Those trees could be fruit trees, then people could get free food too. Why don’t we put efforts on reforestation, cover everything with fruit and nut trees? We could also replant anywhere in a grow zone with multiple types of trees that could produce food for free for the community.



One more thing known as Marine Brightening the same as cirrus cloud thinning on the sea surface. Are they trying to thin these clouds by spraying something from an airplane?



Marine Cloud Brightening where they take the ocean water through a special turbine, one of the patents I showed you earlier, then they spray mist in the air to create artificial clouds to try to block the water surface itself so sunlight can’t warm the oceans. The Atlantic is on its 60-year cycle of cooling, so whether you put clouds up there or not, it's going to cool on its natural 60 year cycle.



How about these solutions? What if this was taught in schools was that every home should be designed to have this many plants to help clean the air and produce food. Every restaurant, every school, every office should be fully encapsulated with greenery inside.


This greenery includes vegetables and different types of edibles, an indoor garden that also removes pollution and CO2. Would that be too much to ask, instead of spraying the skies to an extinction-level event where one out of 14 of us survived on the planet's surface?



I do thank you for reading this article. I truly feel that we're right here, NOBODY CARES. I care enough though to spend my time to do this newsletter and try to bring you the information in my video series ADAPT 2030 on YouTube and Podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations.


Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of the article. If you are looking for more in-depth analysis on these exact same issues, Mini Ice Age Conversations tri-weekly podcast, 30-minute on the go anywhere you can find a podcast hosted across the net.



PDF of this Article Extinction Level Event Begins Early 2019 as Harvard Public Geoengineering Project Goes Live

FULL VIDEO Extinction Level Event Begins Early 2019 as Harvard Public Geoengineering Project Goes Live


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

First geoengineering experiment to dim the sun on track for 2019


UAH Global Temperature Update for November, 2018: +0.28 deg. C


First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth


OMG list of weather engineering an geoengineering patents through YOU’RE YOUR HEAD WILL SPIN



Ship aerosol seeding https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DthoB7iX4AApmfg.jpg

Patents filed already https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dthrt9BWoAcZ091.jpg

Results of the South African Cloud-Seeding Experiments Using Hygroscopic Flares https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/1520-0450(1997)036%3C1433:ROTSAC%3E2.0.CO%3B2


Other Geoengineering projects globally


Climate Viewer Jim Lee https://climateviewer.com/

Geoengineering patents



Geoengineering Information and presentations



Climate Viewer Newsletter


Obvious plant more trees, not fake trees





Harvard Geoengineering program



Five geoengineering solutions proposed to fight climate change



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