Record cold emperatures North America, Central Asia and Russia while Scandinavian countries bake. Record early snows, record monthly snow totals with strongest in 150 year winter storms crippling eastern Canada. Crop harvests delayed S.E USA and record cold all the way to southern Mexico.Double dyanmo in the Sun explains how cancelling magnetic waves create a Grand Solar Minimum
Out of Season Climate Chaos Continues
Starting you off here with a look at how Valentina Zharkova has come up with her forecast for Global Cooling moving out into 2028, which will reduce global crop yields to the point where we won't have enough food to feed everyone on this planet.
It's about the canceling magnetic field waves of the Sun. It's all about repeating cycles.
For example, David Birch the star man, has overlaid consecutive time and interwoven celestial cycles bringing us into the next Grand Solar Minimum.
The forecast is for decreasing solar activity explaining the reason for Sunlight biting your skin. We're getting UV changes as well as electromagnetic changes affecting Earth. Our jet streams and climate patterns are going into a global cooling phase for the next 20+ years.
The signs would be around you, you could see these with you own eyes.
Over to Ryan Maue, 23-30 degrees Fahrenheit below the normal average temperatures for the New England states in mid-November.
How cold is that really? Highs of 10 degrees Fahrenheit, and everywhere you see a circle, that is a new cold record set! These are year records, but if we compared it to a 400-year time cycle it would probably match something back in the 1640’s.
The darker blue is where we are going to see the largest temperature anomalies, 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit below normal. Top right, New England states, above Massachusetts.
Continuing up into the Canadian Maritimes, Snowiest October on record. It's 25% snowier in 2018 @84 centimeters! Remember for those of you in the States, 30 centimeters is a foot, so they had almost three feet of snow in October and they're expecting more.
This is the most snow on record through this part of November as well. What are the chances that this area breaks its all-time snow fall record totals for October? Now on tap to shatter the November records as well?
You're going to ask yourself, where is Goose Bay? In the exact same place that had record snow & cold 201-7-2018, and the previous year in 2016. Do you see a pattern forming here? I do.
Also look at the exceptionally high winds with expected power outages, hurricane-force, winds with another winter storm as it progresses through the week.
Down into Texas, Houston shatters 40-year “trace record accumulation”, with a two inches of snow, but look at these temperatures, it’s Southeast Texas before winter.
Freeze warnings and gale warnings along the coast. They're advising people to bring their pets and plants in already?
Look at some of these low temperatures. 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and it's only the middle of November. Texas would not expect these temperatures until mid-January. So the cooling is happening two months faster than it normally does.
Arctic vortex pushing to the deep, you can expect cooler temperatures all through the Southeast US. They've already been delayed in harvesting due to excessive rainfalls, and now we're going to add the cold on top.
To give you a visual of this cold, of how far it's extended and how low these temperatures are in degrees Celsius, the dark purple is the coolest. Exceptional that record cold is extending all the way down into Southern Mexico.
Looking at how much snow fell last week in Amarillo, Texas. Do you think this is normal for Autumn?
Another effect that's happening as our Magnetosphere weakens due to electromagnetic changes on our Sun, the magnetic fields on Earth are weaker allowing more galactic cosmic rays to penetrate the atmosphere. These rays are now increasing to the highest ever recorded in the Space Age. More galactic cosmic rays mean, heavier cloud cover.
(BELOW) Looking directly over the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere, where you see blue and purple, that is cold. Dark black over Central Asia is a record cold. Guess where the media is going to focus, can you see where those H’s are, for high pressure systems? Those are a little bit warmer, corporate media is going to focus on that exclusively. Forget all the record cold, snowfalls and highest wind velocity ever measured, media is going to focus on the heat. Guaranteed.
Speaking of such, the heat blob is descending over Europe & Scandinavia. Notice a lot of strange wind patterns in there? They’re ex-cyclones, rolling over the UK. Cold blobs, down in the Adriatic.
As we move forward, remember that the dark purple on the left they won't talk about is the record cold that’s about to descend over Europe. Why isn’t corporate media giving balance to record cold or why are there such large differences in the temperature gradient, called temperature inversion between the super-hot and the super-cold? What is causing that?
Jet Streams are shifting due to a weakening magnetosphere, yet the IPCC is still telling you it's CO2 that’s causing this. In my personal opinion, I think we need to look at other causations and we also need to start conversations about why is this happening. And look at it from both sides.
IPCC said it's CO2, great they have been putting out information for 40 years, yet a lot of the predictions are not panning out. But what about equal debate time for those in the Electric Universe and persons talking about the Grand Solar Minimum? These are expected GSM effects and they are happening now. It's affecting our food production globally.
The IPCC still does not want to talk about changes being driven by our Sun. Changes that you're seeing; you should expect heavier larger hail coming down from the skies as we roll through to the end of this cycle around 2032 to 2035.
Hailstones are going to be 5 pounds each. This is what happened during the Maunder Minimum, where they talked about three to five pound hailstones with the storm fronts. The exact same type of events that you're seeing with extreme heat on one side of the front and extreme cold on the other. When they collide, they create storms which people ran for their lives. We can see the same set-up coming again.
Over to Russia for more record cold, it's -41 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s 63 degrees below the freezing point.They don't get these temperatures until mid-January. This type of cooling is two months early.
-35 degrees Celsius, and it's continued since the first week of November marching onward. Winter has set there with January and February temperatures in early November.
Looking at the map you can see where this extreme cold is. Same area of that black circle I showed on the millibar map earlier.
When Russian media picks up and talks about how rare and how cold it is, that it's record cold in their country this early, then maybe it's time to take a little notice. It happened last year, and it happened the year before as well, so my projection would be that it's going get colder earlier next year with even deeper temperatures in 2019-2020.
Al look back at wildfires in California. A sight to behold right here with causes ranging from forest mismanagement where they didn't clear-cut some of the dead fall, to the power companies creating sparking off the lines, to arsonist, to droughts caused by Global Warming and everything in between.
Regardless, the smoke coming off is equal to several volcanoes of ash emissions and it's going to cool wherever this smoke goes. As we get into November, if the fires continue for weeks, this smoke gets blown inland with some of the air flows off the Pacific so you could expect regional cooling and record snowfalls in some areas.
Michele Tucker, images from the airline. I thought this was spectacular! You can actually see the mountain ranges below. Let me widen that out for you.
Here we are the same thing. Say that they’re cruising altitude is 30,000 feet. How high is that ash and smoke reaching into the atmosphere? Similar to a volcanic smoke plume going up 30,000 to 40,000 feet.
It's all about long-term climate change and trying to map out cooling cycles from the mountains of previous data when the Earth cooled in the past. We're heading into global cooling. Cats out of the bag now. Valentina Zharkova has come clean and talked about the GSM amplification dates as her team mapped out cycles reaching back 500,000 years.
Back 500,000 years on mathematical models taken into consideration, the magnetic variability which I showed you in that first slide, shows how the magnetic waves on the Sun cancel and create cooling conditions on our planet.
Some of the conclusions from her talk: Grand Solar Minimum effects will be fully visible to everybody on this planet so intensely that what we're seeing right now is just merely a taste of what's to come.
These record cold temperatures in Autumn reminiscent of January and February occurring two months early, can you imagine what it’s going to be like in 2020 moving forward?
The bottom of this cooling event won't be until 2030 or so and she's pointing exact dates for global food shortages to be in 2028 to 2032. Now you know the losses are going to occur far before that time. This will be at the low period of global crop yields from 2028 to 2032.
I'm going to say less than 20% of what we're producing now will be grown at that time. Let's say now we're getting a hundred tons globally, at that point we're going to be getting 20 tons.
Those losses are not going to come in just the first year. They're going to start mounting right now and we're already starting to see that, everywhere you look, both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
These crop losses are mounting, so here's your timeline below. I encourage you to take steps to prepare for what's coming. The world wakes up by 2020 and at that point everybody's going to try to get ready at the same time. Meaning they're going to pull their money out of the banks, they're going to cash in their stocks, their 401k’s.
The economic system is going to collapse under the changing spending habits when foods are more expensively priced and people aren't spending as much on disposables, because they're getting ready for the Grand Solar Minimum.
There’s going to be a huge diversion of capital flows and in which companies and which industries. The economy is going to shake first. But will include population migration, extreme weather events, and crop losses. Played out again and again in time. It's a repeating cycle.
For me it's quite liberating because I know the timelines. So now I'm enjoying every day. I'm living more in the moment each day. The things I have in front of me, I appreciate so much more, knowing that this is here on our doorstep.
Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of the article. If you like this type of analysis and research, I also produce the tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations anywhere you can find a podcast hosted across the net.
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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Trace of snow in Houston shatters almost 40-year record
Cold and Heat over Europe
New Zealand Late Spring snow
Shelf cloud Croatia
Record low temperatures NE USA
Siberian temps plunge to -40°C (-40°F)
California wildfire from airplane picture
130+cm of snow has fallen here and winter hasn’t even begun
Texas record early snow
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