With the first ever "red warning for cold" issued in cities around HeiLongJiang N.E China, it signals a shift to a cooler climate as well monsoons shifting during Grand Solar Minimums. So the signs around us with out of season dust storms, yellow snow events "tiramisu snow", desert outpost in drought for centuries now covered in snow, we need to ask ourselves, what lenghts will Chins go to feed its people as a 400 year cycle in low solar activity repeats?
Record cold temperatures in Mohe brought accompanied by a rare ice fog, -43 degrees Celsius, that is 46 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. This was in Northeast China in Heilongjiang and this was the first time ever for this city to issue a red warning for extreme cold weather. Frost bite, death in minutes if you get stuck outside for too long.
This came from ELECTROVERSE following the Chinese media. I'm liking the snow-covered roofs.
When it gets this cold everybody's throwing piping hot cups of tea and watching it spray and instantly to ice crystals. That's fun.
Take a look at this rare ice fog that has enveloped the entire area. It covers everything that's standing above ground.
Of course when you're out in these temperatures, your eyelashes are going to be covered with snow and breathing is going to be very difficult. You need to wear masks because your nasal passages will freeze. That's how cold it got here and that was extremely rare.
This extreme record cold is expected in the Grand Solar Minimum, so here's the forecast going out over these next 30 years. We're heading into a prolonged lack of solar activity which is going to usher in another period of global cooling.
Then you need to add this, the summer precipitation known as the monsoon.
This is how the monsoon moves from north to south on the regular 11-year solar cycle. This has been mapped out over China and East Asia. Climatologists know exactly where these moisture bands are going to move based on the 11-year solar cycle.
Now, we have to bring this up an order of magnitude because we're heading into a 400-year cycle based on solar activity, the Grand Solar Minimum. So you have to imagine, if they already know where these moisture bands are going to move on an eleven year cycle in the East Asian monsoon band, then they must know how the precipitation will differ in a heavier more powerful cycle.
You can see exactly where the difference is in precipitation. This has already been mapped out. You just need to intensify that and take it a few degrees more, north or south. This is because of the 400-year cycle, not the 11-year cycle.
They've already done some of these historical reconstructions of the droughts. You can also take it back to 1630, 1790, and to 1876 so you can see where the droughts occurred during Grand Solar Minimum Eras.
Now we're seeing record cold in the exact same spots that I had forecast, based on these charts. That green circle on the chart is where they had the extreme cold with red cold warnings in HeilongJian China, that was the first time these types of cold temperatures were ever recorded in this city.
This too, is the crop lost area forecast that I put out earlier this year. Can you see the red that circles Heilongjiang? Bull's eye! That's the exact same spot where I could see some losses, around Nanjing, Anhui and Henan due to the floods that have been occurring there persistently, year after year. The area in that red circle, a little bit below 35° North is going to have difficulty growing due to too much moisture. Whereas, in the northern part of China, it's going to be too cold with drought. North Korea is experiencing a mega drought as well; the entire area is repeating a cycle.
If I can forecast this out, then the Chinese government knows what's happening, for sure. So here we go, cold dipping even lower latitudes across the planet. Now we have Beijing and Shanghai having the coldest temperatures on record so far. It snows in Shanghai and it does get cold during winter, but not this cold and not this early.
A quick glimpse at AccuWeather shows 18 degree Fahrenheit below normal and we saw that across North America as well. Canada and United States had it twice this year, now it's over Asia, soon it will be Europe. You can see the Grand Solar Minimum fingerprints all around you.
With all the monsoon changes, moisture precipitation patterns and wind anomalies in the jet stream, you would also expect out of season events across China.
Unseasonable dust storms rolled through Gansu, China in November You have to understand that dust storms are normally a springtime event, even meteorologists were amazed by this saying that this is completely an out of season event, spring, not winter. It is incredibly strange.
Then this dust storm slammed with the blizzard, which they called it “tiramisu snow”, or the “yellow snow” where vast sand storms were colliding with massive blizzard front.
This is over Xinjiang, China which is far out west, right on the border with Gansu.
You have to realize that Gansu, a desert area received five feet of snow during the storm. The riverbeds in these areas are going to start refilling again when the “yellow snow” melts.
Incredible timing, they had massive winds, heavy dust, low temperatures and a blizzard together in one storm. These pictures speak for themselves.
In my opinion, this would qualify as one of those changes that you would be looking for, as an atmospheric change related to the grand solar minimum.
Take a look at the airport, I don't know how those aircraft are going to take off in those conditions.
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The cold is dipping lower and lower across the planet
Coldest December on Record in China
Unseasonable dust storm rolls through Gansu, China
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