The “protector weapons” or “Protector Spears of Buda”

I'm going to bring you over here to Zagreb, Croatia right on the line where they're getting thunderstorms, yet literally a hundred miles or less away, they're getting two feet of snow down on the Adriatic. Incredible amounts of electrical activity in the atmosphere.





The “protector weapons” or “Protector Spears of Buda”




Ogulin is about half way down to the coast from Zagreb, I remember this name, because this is one of the areas that I want to visit in my travels to Croatia. Not only is this area termed and known for the “Witches of Klek”, but they also have an array of iconography and different ethnographic collections, the wooden spears on the right.



I noticed the similarity right away because in my personal research I have been studying what is termed as the “protector weapons” or “Protector Spears of Buda”, to keep the Earth and us as humans in our civilization, from going extinct. There are 36 sticks in the Daoist temples, and if you line them up correctly, it shows the difference between more highly charged Birkeland Currents to our star and our Solar System; and more pinched currents that make our Sun to go into a lower activity state. It's all spelled out in the myths and religions of our world as to how our star operates and how our civilizations ebb and flow. You're seeing the same thing right here in Ogulin, you even see some of the Zeta pinch and the plasma flows.



I lined these up so you'll be able to see the representations of plasma inside the Daoist temples.


I just went through a few more of these and I'm getting together the full 36 collection so it maps out. I'm going to create a story with the sticks.



We're talking about Zeta pinches and they have at the very center of Daoism the BeiDouQiXing which means the Big Dipper Cult. Japan follows the same, Korea follows the same, it's something about where our Pole Star is, and how the Big Dipper is rotating around the Pole Star, which indicates the shift in global weather. This in turn dictates how much food we can grow, how many people can stay alive on the planet, and how the civilization is going to move forward over these multi-century, multi-millennial cycles.



They call it a contraction as well, an expansion and contraction. That is exactly what we are facing at the moment, Grand Solar Minimum crop losses, a contraction in output.



I want to bring you in here and see if you spot any similarities in these ethnographies in Croatia. There are apparently more of these, I don't know exactly if there's 36, but this is only a partial representation of the entire collection. If I can match this over what they have in Croatia, which has an ancient culture, then it’s no coincidence.



These are passed down, these iconographies, and if they matched up with what exists over here in Asia, then that's not a coincidence, that's mapping and following cycles going back tens of thousands of years.



As we know, back into Babylon and Sumeria, astrology and mapping of stars was at the highest apex of the mysteries, it was the center of the center of the center of the civilization. Knowing how the stars moved and how our planet was affected by this. There is no mistake, this is the same information being shared by ancient cultures that was passed down and by those who survived the last cataclysms. This is left for us to try to piece together again, literally.


Now, taking a look at the present-day town of Ogulin, you have to think several millennia back. They set themselves up in a fertile valley with two rivers.



Not only that. There are underground cave systems directly under the town. In that past it's been talked about populations fled underground as bombardment from space, plasma events, and electric geology began.



All these underground cities were there for a reason, and when I say cavern system, this thing stretches miles under the earth.


It’s a perfect way to survive celestial bombardment above on the surface. The keepers of time. They've been watching cycles come and go.



We're coming to the end of an age right now. We're beginning this cycle into the next Grand Solar Minimum. So perhaps we should take heed, or at least study, or think about what were they pointing to with the cycles that they were looking at.



Something large is at our doorstep. We need to prepare for decreased crop yields across the planet. Literally, the amount of food that we can produce and grow to feed everybody, all eight billion people by 2025. We are not going to have enough.



Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of the article. If you like this type of conversation or commentary, join me for my tri-weekly podcast too. Mini Ice Age Conversations, available anywhere on the net that you can find a podcast.


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