Indonesia defends its decision to increase rice imports up from half a million tonnes to 2 million tonnes due to crop losses across South East Asia.
Indonesian government is trying to avoid social chaos because according to their report, weather patterns have greatly affected rice productivity and price increases will spark rioting.
Global Cloud Bands Shift Asian Rice Yield Down
Starting over here in the Jakarta Globe, state palace defends its decision to increase rice imports up from half a million tonnes to 2 million tonnes due to the crop losses in Indonesia. Indonesian government is trying to avoid social chaos because according to their report, weather patterns have greatly affected rice productivity. This is what they're trying to tell the citizens, the government is building so many roads and so many rail lines and so many parking lots and so many malls or whatever, that it's dug into the agricultural productivity of the country and everyone is going to pay higher prices.
So far, it's up 12% on the food inflation this year alone, so the government's trying to raise its stockpiles to two million tonnes the highest since 2011. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes and they're talking about, if production is truly down that much, there is a very serious problem in that country and Asia itself suffering from crop losses specifically with rice due to massive droughts across the entire continent.
Focusing here on a report “Indian Monsoon During Sunspot Peaks”, focuses directly on Indonesia.
It's more Southeast Asia centric. You can see how the moisture bands and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICTZ) shift during high solar activity or low solar activity. Now we're heading into a Grand Solar Minimum, so you would expect this to shift even further on a 400-year cycle.
What I mean by that is the jet streams. This is a representation this off of 500 millibar jet stream flow, this is shifting, so are the moisture patterns. When you're seeing droughts and massive floods, these are literally moving in the sky into two different places because Earth’s magnetosphere is weaker and these Jet stream bands are allowed to move into different places that they would not normally move. All the experts are baffled why the global crop production is down.
Jakarta Globe had a great rundown on additional stories Australia East Coast drought, global wheat supply crisis levels, Asia rice, India rates up as well. Now we have India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam all with huge spikes in rice prices, major producers, now what do you think is going to happen to the price of rice?
If the Agriculture Departments in these nations would just look at a reconstructed historical drought from the spatial data they could see during Grand Solar Minimums how intense the droughts will be? Go back in history use a history book correlate and overlap and you can find how intense the droughts will be during this Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensification.
For those of you in the AG departments that don't really have an idea of how this Grand Solar Minima will intensify, here's the timeline for you. Rolling out to 2025, our danger zone is right now up to 2021 as the Earth tries to stabilize new jet stream positions and our crops are not going to handle this. We're going to have to move to new grows zones and yields are going to decrease significantly from this point forward. We're really at the cusp of the crop losses, and if it's already creating this much turmoil, can you imagine what its going to be like in three years when we get really heavy losses.
If you like this type of analysis, take it on the go with Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast, thirty minutes piecing together how the intensifying Eddy Grand Solar Minimum will affect your life over the next 5 years.
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