Cryptocurrencies is potentially the biggest wealth creator in history, and Ankorus wants to make this opportunity accessible to everyone. In order for this to happen there needs to be an inexpensive, fair and easy pathway into the finance and crypto worlds.
This means having low costs barrier to entry, making it affordable to enter the market, and giving people a global reach and exposure to markets of their choice, including Bitcoin Futures.
A Piece of the Action — Fractionalising Assets
How Ankorus Will Make Costly Investments More Affordable
One of the greatest investors of the last 100 years, Warren Buffett is presently the third richest person in the world. From a young age, he sought to “value invest” exclusively in the US stock market where he amassed his fortune. Today he is the largest shareholder in Berkshire Hathaway, a company worth $450 bn, ranked fifth in the world by market cap.
For anyone wanting a piece of the Berkshire Hathaway action, a share — a single share — will set you back $270,000!
The upshot of this means that the average person can simply not afford to invest in what is one of the most successful businesses of today. This is quite a shame as the average ROI per year is around 20%. It is this sort of compound return that creates true wealth.
So, how can the average individual hope to get involved?
Currently most simply cannot. Due to the high share prices and high costs of entry, the majority of people are pushed out of the market place. (This was discussed in detail in a previous post about CFD providers versus brokers.)
And this is not only the case in less wealthy regions of the world. Even in the wealthy US, the percentage of Americans not investing in the stock market stands at a staggering 86 percent of U.S. households, and numbers are even higher in Europe.
At Ankorus, we see cryptocurrencies as potentially the biggest wealth creator in history, and we want to make this opportunity accessible to everyone. This means having low costs barrier to entry, making it affordable to enter the market, and giving people a global reach and exposure to markets of their choice.
We seek also to empower the individual and educate them to financial literacy, so they can truly participate in this revolutionary wealth creation.
How will Ankorus achieve this goal?
In order for this to happen there needs to be an inexpensive, fair and easy pathway into the finance and crypto worlds.
What makes Ankorus open and accessible is that any financial asset can be tokenised. Tokenisation offers a unique benefit because it enables the fractionalisation assets. So that $270,000 Berkshire Hathaway share doesn’t need to be purchased whole. You could buy just $10 worth instead. And because Ankorus doesn’t impose a minimum commission, purchasing a small part of an asset enables participation from low income investors, normally excluded from the market.
A current big problem in the crypto world is its risks and dangers — from exchange defaults to hacks, these threats have deterred the more many from entering. At Ankorus, we realise there needs to be a structure in place where legitimacy, transparency and security are prime so that the individual has protection. As a broker-dealer, Ankorus will provide that role. These are some of the most needed benefits that this new world is demanding.
To learn more about tokenisation and the functions of a broker-dealer click here.
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