During the Maunder Minimum in the 1600’s this is where it cooled across the planet. Based on past cycles we can forecast into the future of where it will cool and when it will cool and which crop growing regions will be hit first. These maps give you a good idea of the changes to expect by continent moving into 2025.
As the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum continues to intensify there is a good indication that the global drop in temperatures will match those of the Maunder Minimum in the mid 1600's to early 1700's. These maps are reconstructions during the Maunder Minimum where it cooled across the planet.
Based on past cycles we can forecast into the future of where it will cool and when it will cool and which crop growing regions will be hit first. These maps give you a good idea of the changes to expect by continent moving into 2025.
Information supplied by David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 series on YouTube.