Myanmar Election Campaign November 2015 (30 Image Pictorial)

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne_6 - CopyThe ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party of Thein Sein have started rolling out Election Posters for their campaign. The opposition National League for Democracy Party also is campaigning with flags, posters and stickers.

This 30 image pictorial shows momentum and popularity of both parties through the first week of November 2015 across the streets of Yangon. All images copyright David DuByne 2015.


Support on the streets of Yangon in the first week of November 2015 is decidedly in the favor of the National League for Democracy Party headed by Aung San Suu Kyi. Union Solidarity and Development Party of Thein Sein have started rolling out Election Posters for their campaign. This is a look at what I saw first hand while moving around the city from meeting to meeting. 

What I noticed is NDL supporters were citizens across every walk of life from rickshaw drivers to shop owners to monks flying the red colors. I personally did not see any USDP flags, stickers or T-shirts being worn across the city. 

To help you understand who the candidates are this PDF provided by Thura Swiss lists who is up for election and which party.

Thura Swiss 2015 Myanmar General Election Report Candidate List PDF

National League for Democracy Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne

National League for Democracy Election Sticker 2015_Image David DuByne

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Advertisement 2015_Image David DuByne

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne_6

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_1

National League for Democracy Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_4

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_6

National League for Democracy Election T-shirt 2015_Image David DuByne

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_4

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne_8

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_2

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne _2

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_5

National League for Democracy Election Sticker 2015_Image David DuByne_2

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_3

National League for Democracy Election Sticker 2015_Image David DuByne_3

Union Solidarity Development Party Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_7

National League for Democracy Election Flag_5 2015_Image David DuByne

Ministry of Agriculture_Irrigation Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne_3

National League for Democracy Election Poster 2015_Image David DuByne_3

National League for Democracy Election Sticker_5 2015_Image David DuByne

National League for Democracy Election Flag 2015_Image David DuByne_7


Thank you for taking your valuable time to view this image set of Myanmar 2015 Election campaign materials.

David DuByne is the Myanmar contact for U.S. Exim Advisors.  We represent a Direct Lender for the U.S. EX-IM Bank with Private Market for Medium Term Loans and Trade Credit Insurance. David can be reached at ddubyne (at) useximadvisors (dot) com

Additionally, David is a consultant for companies entering Myanmar & agricultural commodities export broker for green coffee, honey & farm raised fish out of Myanmar.